« 2022. # 4 (166)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 4 (166), 836—849

UDK 392.8+615.89(477.81/.82+476):634.73

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.04.836



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6125-8628
  • Candidate of History, docent,
  • Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University,
  • Department of museum and monument studies
  • and Information and Analytical Activities,
  • Volia Avenue, Lutsk, 43000, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: dmytrenko.a@gmail.com

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to highlight the ethnocultural features of the use of cranberries in the life support (food and folk medicine) of the inhabitants of the Right Bank Polissia of Ukraine and changes that have occurred in the system of berry use in recent decades. Problems with the use of cranberries have not been the subject of special ethnological research, which is the novelty and relevance of this article. Objectives: to highlight the main methods of cleaning harvested cranberries; to reveal the features of «dry» and «wet» methods of storing harvested berries; analyse the place of cranberries in the daily diet: fresh, cooked and as part of certain dishes; show the role of cranberries in the treatment of various diseases; pay attention to the use of cranberries in modern cooking, official medicine and as a tourist/festival brand; to note the growing role of berries in the formation of the family budget of modern Polissia families.

The object of the research is collecting as a form of livelihood for the residents of the Right Bank Polissia, the subject is the traditionally formed system of using cranberries in food and folk medicine.

The source base consisted of field materials collected during historical and ethnographic expeditions (2005—2014), organized by the State Research Centre for Protection of Cultural Heritage from Man-Made Disasters and the Museum of Ethnography of Volyn and Polissia at Lesya Ukrainka’s Volyn National University.

The methodological basis was based on the principles of structural-functional and systemic approaches, methods of descriptive-analytical and contextual analysis were used, collection of field ethnographic materials was carried out according to the author’s questionnaires by the spray method.

Keywords: Right Bank Polissia, ethnic culture, gathering, berries, cranberries, national food, folk medicine.

Received 26.05.2022


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