2015 year, issue 5


Hlushko Mykhaylo. Ivan Rakovskyi — researcher of anthropological features of Taras Shevchenko. P. 999

In the early ХХth century the anthropological school formed in Lviv as part of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, which Ivan Rakovskyi also belonged to. During the First World War and the postwar period scholar interested in issues that concerned the Ukrainian anthropological traits. Upon learning memoirs of Shevchenko’s contemporaries, his death mask and self-portraits, as well as other sources, in 1921, the researcher described the general poet’s appearance and defined his typical anthropological traits.
Keywords: Ivan Rakovskyi, Taras Shevchenko, anthropological features.

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Lunyo Yevhen. The figure of metropolitan Joseph Slipyj in the narrative of cellmate from Yavoriv region. P. 1004

A paper presents a detailed folkloristic analysis of a narrative, which was told by a member of the insurgent armed underground about his staying with the Metropolitan J. Slipyj in common cell of Zolochiv prison. The narrator in the mainstream of insurrectional epic tradition depicts Metropolitan-prisoner realistically and historically from the one hand, and simultaneously idealizes him as national hero of the new times — the outstanding figure of the Ukrainian Church and the entire state.
Keywords: Joseph Slipyj, Greek Catholic Church, Baptists, insurrectional epic tradition, prayer in crisis, small prison society, psycho-emotional climate in prison cell, morality and food in a prison cell.

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Konopka Volodymyr. Plowing and sowing of early spring corns: ritual aspect (on the materials from the south-western historic-ethnographic macro-region of Ukraine) . P. 1017

The paper analyses magical acts, which accompany definite agricultural works — plowing, sowing. All traditions and rites were performed very carefully, because the cropless was concerned with the uncorrect ritual acting, but not with the bad weather conditions.
Keywords: folk calendar, plowing, sowing, early spring corns.

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Voytovych Nadiya. Traditional magically sacral methods of defence of live-stock on Boyko territories. P. 1028

The paper investigates some peculiarities of application of traditional magic defencive methods for live-stock among Boykos’; the attention is paid to the demonological notions of highlanders about close connection of domestic animals and the house spirits; the main methods of protecting the live-stock from witch-bosurkanya are analyzed.
Keywords: house spirits, live-stock, witch, «bosurkanya», Boyky.

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Serebryakova Olena. «Andrew, Andrew, i’m sowing the hemp: god, let me know, with whom it will be gathered» (divination rite of «sowing hemp»: semantics, symbolics, functions). P. 1034

Divination rite of «sowing hemp», which existed in the different ethnographic regions of Ukraine, is analyzed. In particular, its semantics, symbolics, functions, archaic elements and local versions are examined.
Keywords: divination, corn, sowing, oracular dream, counting.

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Radovych Roman. A bread trough in the interior of Polissya dwelling. P. 1045

The features of equipping of «pokutj» — south-eastern angle in Polissya dwelling, which according to its sacral and symbolic value took a special place, are reviewed. The attention is paid to the single objects, which were situated in that part of a dwelling cell (table, icons, towels etc.). In particular, a bread trough is examined as an element of the interior: its place in a house, ways of producing, functioning in calenfar and family rituality, divination, rites etc.
Keywords: Polissya, house, interior, table, icons, tough.

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Taras Viktoriya. The interplays betweeen baroque types of buildings and landscape closings. P. 1054

The main types of secular baroque buildings, which included the landscape complexes, are reviewed. The analyses of spatial, planning and compositional interplays between secular baroque buildings and the landscape complexes crystallized general principles of their location.
Keywords: landscape art, baroque, city palace, suburban palace, out-of-town castle, out-of-town palace, homestead.

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Studnytskyy Ivan. The artistic and stylistic features in the architecture of railway stations in Ukraine (second half of the XIX — first third of the XX century). P. 1064

The artistic features in the architecture of railway stations in Ukraine of the second half of the XIX — first third of the XX centure are analyzed. According to the example of concrete memorials, the specific features of such styles, as eclectisism, modern, art deco are detected, as well as the principles of combination of retrospective direction with advanced building technologies in the architecture of railway stations.
Keywords: architecture of railway stations, artistic and stylistic features, retrospective direction, eclectisism, modern, art deco, ornamental architectural details, synthesis of arts.

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Gerus Lyudmyla. The folk toy of Pokuttya. P. 1072

On the basis of studying the collection from the Museum of ethnography and art craft in the Institute of ethnology of NAS Ukraine, and the analyses of field and archive materials, the history of folk toy of Pokuttya is shown in the paper; trends of development and decline during the 1910—2010 years and its artistic and functional features are also reviewed.
Keywords: folk toy, game, function, plastic, form, color, décor.

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Syvak Vasyl. Folk furniture in a peasant dwelling of Ukrainian carpathians and Central Polissya at the end of the XIX — XX century: hewn motionless bench. P. 1086

On the basis of collected field materials, available sources and scientific literature, hewn motionless bench as the archaic type of the folk furniture for sitting in the interior of peasant dwelling is briefly analyzed. Time of nascence, material, sizes, form, versions of constructive connections, functional purpose are traced. The material mainly represents two regions of Ukraine — Ukrainian Carpathians (Boykivshchyna, Huculshchyna, Lemkivshchyna) and Central Polissya (watershed of Uzh and Teteriv).
Keywords: Ukraine, Ukrainian Carpathians, Boykivshchyna, Huculshchyna, Lemkivshchyna, Central Polissya, folk furniture, pave, hewn bench, constructive connections.

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Ivashkiv Halyna. Small plastic art forms in the interior. P. 1099

The article analyzes small earthenware plastic art forms, namely figures of birds and animals, mythological and Christian images, sculptural portraits, genre and everyday life compositions. Small plastic art forms mainly performed the decorative function in the interior. The author of the article has examined earthenware plaques, busts and monuments to Taras Shevchenko, images of potters, a bride and a groom as well as processions and scenes describing customs and traditions, work in the field or various grotesque compositions. Artistic specificity of these items has been highlighted.
Keywords: small plastic art forms, figure, sculpture, interior, premises, function, decor, craftsman.

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Kozakevych Olena. The traditional knitted and lacy products in Boykivshchyna and Pidgirya at the and of XIX — beginning of the XXI century: clothes (on the materials of art studying expeditions 2005—2006 years). P. 1121

The typological and artistic features of crocheted lace and knitting of Boykivshchyna and Pidgirya region in the late XIX — the beginning of XXI century are reviewed in the paper. The local features, the main types of apparel products, their existence and extent of spread are analyzed. The respondent information was implicated, and the artifacts, recorded during the field research, were put into circulation.
Keywords: knitting, lace, hook, hats, decoration, local features, typology.

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Kosmina Oksana. A background of forming the symbolics of the traditional Ukrainian clothes: old Kievan Rus jewellery. P. 1144

A theme, that was started in the previous collection, is illuminated. The clothes jewellery of the population of Kievan Rus are investigated. They can be grouped according to such purpose, as: for head, breast, belt, hands. Single parts are represented by the symbolic elements, which added the clothes of secular and ecclesiastic persons, and the ammunition of horseman. It is emphasized, that the character of jewellery denoted a social, sexual and age-old status of concrete person.
Keywords: Kievan Rus, jewellery, mound disposal, relicts of old Kievan Rus writing.

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Dmytrenko Alla. The Ukrainian theatrical costume of the early XX century: the historiography of the problem. P. 1153

Research of theatrical costume in Ukraine as professional art is investigated in the paper. Studies of philosophy and art criticism scholars are analyzed. The actuality of the research of theatrical costume is justified.
Keywords: the theatrical costume, scenography, art of avangarde, aethetics.

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Kostiv Natalya. The iconostasis of the Holy Family of Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London. P. 1163

The article presents a historical art study of the iconostasis of the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in London, carried out for the first time. Yuvenaliy Mokrytskyj, a famous Ukrainian artist-iconographer and a priest of the Studite Brethren, made the iconostasis in 1987—1992. So far, art historians have not mentioned this outstanding artistic work of the master in academic literature. The article is based on the materials of the author’s personal researches during her visit to London in August 2013. The photo of the iconostasis and the icons are published for the first time.
Keywords: Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in London, iconostasis, icons, iconography, oil technique, canonical features, style innovation, Ukrainian neobyzantism.

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Filatova Marina. English satirical drawings of the late XVIII — early XIX centuries in the collection of Kharkiv Art Museum. P. 1169

English satirical drawings of the late XVIII — XIX centuries — striking phenomenon of European art from the period of acute social conflicts, social struggles and wars. A Creativity of English caricaturists of this period largely characterizes the features of the development of English fine art, and its originality. The collection of English satirical drawings of the late XVIII — early XIX centuries from the funds of Kharkiv Art Museum is studied in this paper for the first time. Individual peculiarities of artistic manner of famous English caricaturists, and the relevance of their skills in today’s Ukrainian reality are analyzed.
Keywords: English art, political caricature, satirical drawings, grotesque.

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Bokotey Lianna. Visual art of Transcarpathia — a pictorial language of a transavantgarde artist Lovrant Bokotey. P. 1176

The paper describes Transcarpathian Painting of the XXI century, which demonstrates the relentless search of the artists for new, contemporary expressive means, that historically formed two trends. The artistic pictorial language of transavantgarde artist Lovrant Bokotey is analyzed. A decoding of some postmodern concepts is given here. Some periods in the art of Lovrant are being described and the artist’s artistic formula is being explained, which is abbreviated as «MIMIKA».
Keywords: vanguard, transavantgarde, transgression, ethical dimension, asthenosphere, cosmization.

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Hridyayeva Tamara. Land art in Ukraine during the 1980s — first half of 2000s. P. 1181

The article is dedicated to timing analysis of practical manifestations of the environments, objects-installations and actions in the environment as the first attempts to create land art in Ukraine. The study identified the main aspects of the development of land art in dynamics during the 1980s — 2000s in the context of Ukrainian actionism art. Theoretical and visual experiences were basically used, and systematization of author’s projects was carried out.
Keywords: environment, object in the environment, action in the environment, installation in the environment, Ukrainian land art.

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Yudova-Romanova Kateryna, Beschastna Anastasiya. The Mariupol Theatre of Drama. Landmarks of becoming. P. 1191

The article is presenting and methodizing the traditional and the modern trends of the creational and organizational activities of the Order of Merit of the Donetsk Regional Academic Russian Drama Theatre of Mariupol town in times of hostilities (1914—1920, 1941—1945, 2014). The authors define the main periods in the history of the theater, related to the hostilities, characterize the trends in the creational and organizational activities of the theater in the context of military and historical events in the region, clarify the main repertoire of the theater and language policy in times of war.
Keywords: Donetsk Academic Order of Merit Regional Russian Drama of Mariupol Theatre, hostilities 1914—1920, 1941—1945, 2014, repertoire, touring activity.

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Kosiv Vasyl. Ukrainian surrealism in graphic design of variety posters of 1970—1980-ies. P. 1202

The article deals with examples of surrealism in graphic design of Ukrainian variety posters in the 1970—80-ies. Non-acceptable in Soviet fine arts, this style is represented with two directions in Ukrainian variety poster. The first one created an illusion of a new reality with unexpected and chaotic combinations of realistic images, following the works of Rene Magritte and other famous surrealists. The second one was aligned with coextensive examples from Polish and Czech poster artists, encoding important social messages with metaphors. Combination of traditional folk motives with the stylistic of popular Western movement created a «modernity» connotation for the Ukrainian culture.
Keywords: graphic design, Ukrainian variety poster, vocal and instrumental ensembles, surrealism, marvelous, uncanny, metaphor.

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Siletskiy Roman. «Vkhishchyny»: house warming folk customs, rituals and beliefs in Volyn (based on field ethnographic materials of the early XXI с.). P. 1215

On the basis of the field ethnographic materials the author described a ponderable component of house dwelling rituals of Volynians — house warming traditions. Beliefs about the timing options of «vkhishchyna» were examined. The author investigated ritual ways to avoid demonological danger in new house. The funeral motives of ritual repast were defined, as well as the demonological beliefs in the context of reviewed rituality.
Keywords: dwelling rituals, house warming, Volyn, customs, rituals, beliefs.

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Koval Andriy. Church painting of Kornylo Ustyyanovych: dentification of one icon. P. 1228

We are talking about the painter Kornylo Ustyyanovych’s legacy, a significant part of which consists of Christian themes. For the first time in the art studying the analysis of icon «Christ’s Changing» is presented, which was found in the Volosyanka village Skole district, Lviv region’s church. The relationships between the priest families of Ustyyanovychs and Revakovychs, in particular, between the Kornylo and Tyt, are researched. In addition, the artist depicted the portrait of Tyt still at a young age.
Keywords: Christ’s Changing, technique of art, tint, portrait.

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Sokil Vasyl. The unknown period of pastoral activity of mitrat Oleksiy Bazyuk. P. 1233

The occasions from life and work of mitrat O. Bazyuk are reviewed. The objective biographical information, based on archival sources and materials from the personal file of the priest, is presented. Due to the metric church books with entries of Volosyanka village, which were led by O. Bazyuk during the 1945—1948 biennium., this segment of his work in the parish is firstly presented. Attention is paid to the completeness and exhaustive information about the congregation, even of those killed in combat during the UPA period. Time and place of priest’s burial is investigated.
Keywords: personal record, metric records, mitra, posokh.

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Hoshchytskiy Artem. The new petroglyph’s discovery near the village of Yamel’nytsya in the Skole district. P. 1239

As a result of the examination of rocky outcrops near the vil. of Yamel’nytsya, Skole district of Lviv region, made by the State Historical and Cultural Park «Tustan’» new petroglyph — the cross with twelve tips — was discovered. Similar crosses are known at the medieval Christian monuments in Crimea and Bulgaria (Preslav).
Keywords: petroglyphs, twelvetipped cross, The State Historical and Cultural Park «Tustan’».

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Domorad Iryna. Ukrainian folk culture in Canada – vision of Robert-Bogdan Klymash. P. 1242

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Our authors
Traditional folk clothes of velikobychkovsky hutsuly of XIX — the first half of XX century
In the study based upon numerous field materials, literature sources as well as ethnographic, historio-cultural and regional museum collections has been performed complex analysis in traditional folk clothes by Hutzul population of Velyky Bychkiv village in Transcarpathian region. Detailed descriptions of femi­nine and masculine clothing complexes of the mentioned area have been presented. In characterizing of those main attention has been paid to the detail of cut in separate components of dress; cut of feminine shirt has been added as an illustration.
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Boikos’ pandemonium: categories of evil deceased
In the article have been presented some research-work on peculiarities of Boikos’ traditional demonological notions as for so-called evil deceased; on the basis of field records and ethnological literary sources quite a number of scum categories have been defined as well as essential habits, modes of behavior and functions of these personages of people’s demonology.
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Maternity ritualism by volhynians in publications of the second half XIX to the early XXI cc.
In the article have been considered some basic landmarks for fixing and publication of ethnographic materials on the maternity rites of Volhynia with analytical study in ritual elements, their kinds and territories of origin. The article has also raised a problem of gaps in studies of maternity rites of Ukrainian historio-ethnographic Volhynia.
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On bessarabian and moldavian ukrainians in the studies of historical ethnography
The article has thrown some light upon a sum of scientific findings got during XIX to XXI cc. in historio-ethnographic studies of Bessarabia and Moldavian Ukrainians. In the pre­sent paper has been given author’s answer to the problem of lacking progress as for the numerous themes concerning Ukrainians. State and achievements of the research-works in Ukrainians’ material and spiritual culture by the scientists of Moldavia and Ukraine through the years of independence has been exposed.
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