« 2017. #2 (134)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 2 (134), 460—465

UDK 73.03:73.05

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.02.460


Hlibova Tеtiana, post-graduate student

Of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts

Mystetstv Street, 8, 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Contacts: E-mail: tim@ksada.org

Abstract. Terminological and semantic features of the concepts of «playground sculpture», «play sculpture», «public art» are consi­dered, the relationship between the playground sculpture, ga­ming sculpture and public art is investigated, definition playground sculpture as one of the genres of contemporary sculpture is formulated, considered aesthetic and functional changes in the morphology of the genre of playground sculpture. Basic aesthetic features of playground sculpture are characterized. The features embedded playground sculpture in the urban architectural environment, allowing individualizing the urban environment, giving special symbolic place, are considered. It was revealed that created by a scenario design playground sculpture can contain multiple versions of the gaming action.

Keywords: play sculpture, art, public art, game script.

Received 16.02.2017


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