« 2017. #4 (136)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 4 (136), 811–819

UDK 392.81(477.82).:664.653.1]”19/20”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.04.811


Ziubrovskyi Andrii

Candidate of Sciences in History,

Senior Researcher of department of historical ethnology of

the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: e-mail: anzjubr@gmail.com

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2221-3731

Abstract. The article is dedicated to exploration of the most important phases of volynians` daily bread baking — the process of dough plasticization processing. The author investigated temporal parameters of dough kneading process on the basis of analysis of literature, published sources an own field data. Both the main features of dough readiness due to criterions of its density and homogenous consistence, duration and intensity of kneading, and also other physical and biochemical dough qualities (fermentation restoration, formation of stable unsticky gluten etc.). The author makes a conclusion that the vast majority of folk conceptions about necessary duration and intensity of dough kneading based on profound empiric (although not scientific) knowledge about baking dough organoleptic and biochemical peculiarities. Some quantity of these orders did not reflect any realistic lengths of time need for dough to be kneaded (to knead until perspiration etc.), but they had a pedagogical meaning appointing on this work`s importance and laborious. On the territory of Volyn, comparing to other Ukrainian ethnic lands, there was much more quantity of criterions of dough kneading length defining. It witnesses about ancient traditions of tillage and bread baking at this pat of Ukraine.

Keywords: bread, dough, fermentation, kneading, mistress, dough trough, yeast, kneading length criterions.

Received 23.05.2017


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