The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 6 (138), 1450—1458
Received 7.11.2017
Lesiv Andrii, Ph.D in Art Studies, research fellow at the Art Studies Department of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Svobody Avenue 15, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.
Contacts: Tel. (067)3748645; e-mail:
Abstract: In this article the features of iconography and symbols of the image of «Rolling up the havens» — the fragment of a complex and multidimensional composition of icons «The Last Judgment» are analyzed. There is a link between the Ukrainian and Byzantine iconography of this composition, their common and distinctive features are studied. An analysis of compositional construction of the image, its place in the iconography of «The Last Judgment» is carried out. For the first time, the main differences in the iconography of «Rolling up the havens» in the icons of the XV and XVI—XVII centuries are traced, an analysis of the evolution of «the Ancient of Days» image is carried out. An analysis of the inclusion of noncanonical elements in the «Rolling up the havens» iconography is made: there are the signs of the zodiac, astronomical objects, pre-Christian mythological images.
Keywords: iconography, symbolism, image, the Last Judgement, heavenly bodies, zodiac.
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