The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 6 (138), 1511—1520
UDK 75/76.071.1(477.83) “19” I. Kurakh
Received 31.10.2017
Yatsiv Roman Myronovych, Vice-rector on the scientific work
of the Lviv National Academy of Arts, Ph.D.,
associate professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine.
Kubiiovycha Str., 38, Lviv, 79011, Ukraine.
Contacts: Tel. (032) 2761482; e-mail:
Abstract. The article deals with the stages of formation and creative development of the outstanding painter and graphic artist Ivan Kurach (1909—1968), born in the village Serdytsia, the Lviv region. In connection with the lack of accurate documentary information on individual episodes of the artist’s life, various sources of information are being compared, and an attempt to reconstruct the genrethematic structure of his creative heritage is made. The artist’s professional progress is compared with the context of the history of Italian fine art in the middle of the 20‑th century. The key works of painting and graphic art by I. Kurakh are being analyzed, the thematicsemantic field of his main cycles is being interpreted. Special attention is paid to moral, ethical and civic aspects of his creative biography.
Keywords: Ivan Kurakh, World War II, Ukrainian art emigration, fine arts, painting, graphics, metaphysical art, lyrical abstraction, neoclassical landscape, civil position, moral and ethical imperative.
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