« 2018. #5 (143)

The Ethnology Notebooks, 2018, № 5 (143), 1255—1267

UDK 75/76].071.1(436-25):792.023(477.83-25)«178/184»

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.05.1255

Received  30.05.2018


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6461-4819

Kupchynska Larysa, Ph. D. in Art Studies, Associate Professor,

Researcher of  the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific

Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Stefanyk St., 2, Lviv, Ukraine, 79000

Contacts: e-mail: oklarysa@gmail.com

Abstrakt. In the article, due to insufficient coverage of the problem in the scientific literature, the beginning of scenography in the western Ukrainian areas closely related to socio­political events and the appearance of the stationary theater in Lviv where different artists about which we have only a little information today had worked, has been studied. It mainly focuses on participating in the designing performances of the representatives of the Viennese art school of the late ХVIII — the first half of the ХІХ century on the stages of the Austrian and Polish theaters of the city. Among the most famous of them, Antoni Lange has been outlined. On the basis of the study of publications in periodicals, as well as the theater posters, his biographical data has been specified, a register of performances for which he had performed the scenery has been prepared, as far as possible, the feedbacks they had received in society and an assessment of his creative work in the context of the requirements of that time have been given. An active participation of the artist in other theatrical performances which had taken place at that time, and among which there had been pantomimes, tableaux vivants, panoramas and cosmoramas, has been proved. A separate place is devoted to the pedagogical activity of A. Lange, his preparation of young generation of artists­decorators of Lviv. Among others, he trained Philip Rebiger (Rдbiger) who thanks to his teacher gained a good reputation not only in Lviv, but also in Vienna. Considering that he remains little known in the scientific literature, the performances he had designed on the German scene have been listed, press quotes which contained descriptions of the performances designed by him have been presented. It has been assumed that his professionalism had opened the way for entering the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in April 1837. The article has presented the contacts of A. Lange with Vienna, with many contemporary Austrian and German masters, their cooperation in Lviv in the late 1820’s has been revealed. The progressive role of artists­representatives of the Viennese art school in the formation of a local school of scenography, in the preparation of a ground for a new generation of decorators has been proved.

Keywords: artists, Viennese Art School, theater, scenography, Lviv.


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