The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 4 (148), 928—933
УДК 39(=161.2):303.4(477) “18”(092)
Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
The Department of Folklore Studies,
The Institute of Ethnology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.
Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. The article analyzes the scientific achievements of Pavlo Chubynsky. The work of the scientist as one of the founders of Ukrainian ethnography is emphasized, his role in the creation of scientific institutions is revealed. The method of organization, carrying out expeditionary work is progressive from the point of view of modernity. The maximum coverage of insufficiently surveyed territories and fixation of the whole mass of people’s knowledge is noted. The relevance of the article is determined by all of these dates. The purpose of this study is to consider the work of P. Chubynsky as an important material for comparative studies of folklore from various ethnographic territories.
The object of the research is the ethnographic activity of Pavlo Chubynsky and the subject is the folkloric achievements of the scientist, including expeditionary work (territorial coverage, method of fixation), systematization, scientific study of folklore materials and practice. The article synthesizes methods subordinated to the purpose of the research: historical (allows studying the cultural-historical processes of the nineteenth century and development, activity of the institutes), biographical (folkloristic activities of the scientist as part of his biography), the interdisciplinary method allows to involve in the analysis of materials of other scientific disciplines: folklor studies, ethnography, statistics, etc.
The article focuses on the biography of scientist and his public activity. Pavlo Chubynsky organized a complex expedition on the basis of the Russian Geographical Society. Seven volumes of folklore, ethnographic and statistical materials is the result of this expedition. They were called «Trudy etnografichesko-statisticheskoy ekspeditsii v Zapadno-Russkiy kray». These materials were a phenomenon of tremendous importance in the history of Ukrainian culture. They showed the world the treasures that bear witness to the identity of the Ukrainian nation. At the same time, Chubynsky considered it useful to create a scientific institution for the development of Ukrainian ethnography. It was engaged in the scientific processing of information from various fields of being of the Ukrainian ethnic group. So, the South-Western Department of the Russian Geographical Society was founded in 1872. The expeditionary and scientific work of Pavlo Chubynsky became a solid foundation for the further development of Ukrainian ethnological science. In the middle of the 19th century, this reseacher understood the need for comprehensive ethnographic works, which accumulated study of the spiritual, material culture of Ukrainians, ethnopsychology and social anthropology.
Key words: ethnology, folklore, expedition, edition, program, beliefs, fairy tales, songs, ordering.
Received 30.05.2019
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