« 2019. № 6 (150)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 6 (150), 1721—1730

УДК [72.071.1+39]-057.4(477.83-25)”19/20″Я.Тарас

DOI https://doi.org/

IN SELFLESS WORK FOR THE PEOPLE AND SCIENCE… (75-year anniversary of Prof. Yaroslav Taras)


ORCID ID:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2041-8773

candidate of sciences in history,

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

of the department of the modern ethnology.

Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

e-mail: balahutrak@ukr.net

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to highlight the scientific work of the famous architect, ethnologist and teacher of High School, winner of the National Award of Ukraine in the field of architecture, a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, Professor, PhD, Head of the Department of Ethnology at the Institute of Ethnology of Ukraine Yaroslav Taras, who dedicated all his life to the promotion of Ukrainian science and culture.

Actuality is that the article is devoted to the anniversary date of the scientist — the 75th anniversary of the birth.

The object of study is the most important milestones in scientific research activities. Subject of the research is scientific heritage of the researcher in the genesis of sacral wooden architecture of Ukraine and Moldova, traditional culture, contaminated areas of Chernobyl zone, scientific and organizational activity of Taras Yaroslav as the Head of the Department of Ethnology at Institute of Ethnology of modern Ukraine.

Exposed contribution to the development of architectural and environmental sciences; shown merit in the organization and management of complex historical and ethnographic expeditions; highlighted his longstanding work as chairman of the Scientific Committee of Ethnographic Society of Shevchenko in Lviv. The peculiarity of the scientific submission of the author’s texts and illustrative materials is revealed, the cultural and educational activity of our scientist is outlined.

The study also reflects the perennial teaching activities in preparation of architectural staff in Chisinau Polytechnic Institute, National University of «Lviv Polytechnic», the Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Particular attention is given to monographs of Y.Taras, who solved the complex problem of Ethnogenesis of Ukrainian sacral wooden architecture.

Conclusions: titanic work multifaceted scientist Yaroslav Taras is honored by diplomas of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «for professional achievements» and diplomas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, gratitude and certificates of the Institute of Theory and History of Architecture, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» but most of all he appreciated his close colleagues which appreciate him for long research collaboration and traveled hundreds of kilometers of our native country.

Keywords: Yaroslav Taras, sacred architecture, folk architecture, ethnology, Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National University «Lviv Polytechnic».

Received 29.11.2019


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