« 2020. № 1 (151)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. № 1 (151), 147—154


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.01.147



ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4314-6475

Ph.D. in Art Studies,

Senior Researcher,

Rylskyi Art Studies, Folkloristics

and Ethnology, NAS of Ukraine

Fine Art & Decorative and Applied Art Department

4, Hrushevskyi St., 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine,

Contacts: e-mail: studenez@ukr.net

Abstract. In the globalized space of mass culture, the ethnic component indispensable for preserving national identity and originality is of particular importance in social activities. The topicality of the theme is called forth by the need to consider the processes of restoring traditional artistic practices in the system of folk culture in Podillia. The purpose of the submitted study is both to find out the specificity and to analyse artistic features of the modern Podillia mural painting in its various forms. The object of the study is wall paintings of the early 21st century, created in separate centres of the region, while the investigation’s subject is reflections of traditional features and latest trends in the paintings. The main research methods are axiological for revealing the value features of modern mural paintings; art critical analysis for describing auctorial styles in the works; as well as the interviewing method for exposing supplemental information related to the research issue.

The article analyses peculiarities of holding the International Symposia The Painting Hut (over 2012—2019), which were attended by professional and amateur painters from Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, as well as residents of villages. It also investigates artists’ creative search for trends, stylistics, and plastic solutions in modern mural painting. Distinguished are the most expressive examples, which are characterized by imitation and interpretation of authentic traditions of painting, stylistics of folk pictures, as well as European ideas of Postmodernism. The authoress considers original author’s conceptions of wall painting in separate centres of the Podillia region.

It is ascertained that domestic mural painting of the early 21st century is a multifaceted phenomenon, which usually develops in the general artistic context and appropriately reflects the trends inherent in modern visual arts.

Keywords: domestic mural painting, tradition, Podillia, modern artistic practices, artists.

Received 3.01.2020


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