« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1273—1286

УДК 679.85: 745(477.44)”19/20″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.06.1273


  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1240-0752
  • Postgraduate student,
  • Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts,
  • 36, E. Konovaltsya Str., 01133, Kyiv,Ukraine,
  • e-mail: Ann_Alyoshkina@ukr.net


The relevance of the topic depends on the need to survey remote unknown stone communities in order to obtain a broad picture of artistic stone cutting in Ukraine. Artistic heritage of Bukatynka, the stone cutting village in Mohyliv-Podilskyi district in Vinnytsia region, was insufficiently studied by scientists.

For this study, we analyzed the data collected from several research trips to Bukatynka in order to explore stone objects. We performed additional data collection by recording interviews with a few local people, who could give us valid ethnographic information. The third source of information was the local archive data. The aim of the article is to provide comprehensive coverage of Bukatyn stone cutting art phenomenon in XX—XXI centuries based on newly collected material. The object of the research is the works of local stone craftsmen, the subject is the art features and specifics of crafting ornamented stone objects in this region of Ukraine.

The examination of the village cemetery allowed to discover various types of ritual objects: monuments of the noble, «oak-type» tombstones, obelisks, simple modernized tombstones, works of professional sculptures. The article contains an art description of different memorial objects, including their difference and distinctive properties, influenced by various cultural developments. Evolutionary changes in tombstone shapes are presented in chronological order, the study covers more than a century of stone crafts. The architectural structure and surface decoration of the stone art is duly highlighted. The «oak-type» monuments are analyzed in detail; they show different variations of form and decorative solutions, as well as a long tradition of installation in Mohyliv-Podilskyi district, Vinnytsia region.

Archive data help to study history and the reasons of rapid development of the local stone cutting industry. Interviews with informants (local villagers) allow to cover the environment and working conditions of the craftsmen. The methods of the study are: historiographic approach, art history analysis and interview method.

The novelty of the study is represented by the lists of Bukatynka stone craftsmen published the first time. Also many unknown art objects of ХХ—ХХІ centuries are brought to light and now available for scientific research. These objects will fill the blanks in the history of Ukrainian memorial stone culture.

Keywords: Bukatynka, artistic stone processing, stonecraft, stone cutting, tombstones, stone crosses.


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