« 2021. # 6 (162)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. № 6 (162), 1507—1535

UDK 398.1:81’374.2(477.41/.42)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.06.1507



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9360-6447
  • Сandidate of History (Ph. D),
  • Deputy Director for Research,
  • State Scientific Center for Protection of Cultural Heritage
  • from Technological Disasters,
  • 56, ave. Peremogy, 03057, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Contacts: e-mail: guru_v@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction. The agricultural nature of the economic activities of the inhabitants of the Right-Bank Polissya predetermined the complete dependence on the natural and climatic conditions of the successful implementation of agricultural work, and consequently the well-being of a peasant. Trying to ensure the harvest and avoid undesirable weather phenomena, the Polischuks widely used magical protective means, numerous taboos and restrictions on certain types of work on the relevant days. However, under the influence of the rapid development of education, a general increase in the cultural level, the consciousness of the population of Polissya villages is constantly enriched with scientific knowledge, leading to the smoothing of traditional folk beliefs and ideas. Therefore, the compiling of the vocabulary of terms and terminological local variants associated with folk meteorological beliefs is very relevant now.

Problem Statement. The analysis of the collected field data, which reflect not only the realities of traditional household culture, but also their terminology, led to the need to systematize the meteorological material by compiling an appropriate dictionary.

Purpose. Compiling of a dictionary of meteorological beliefs of the inhabitants of the Right-Bank Polissya based on the author’s expeditionary sources.

Methods. The methodology of publication is based on general scientific principles and basic requirements for works of historical and ethnological direction.

Results. Field data collected during 2002—2017 in the northern districts of Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv regions and from migrants from the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone were systematized and put into scientific circulation according to the author’s questionnaire. The dictionary includes terms and terminological phrases used by the inhabitants of the Right-Bank Polissya to denote ritual actions against drought, thunderstorms, hail, frost and whirlwind; performers of relevant meteorological ritual actions, as well as related actions; magical items, attributes, locations of the implementation of ritual actions.

Summary. The material presented in the dictionary about the folk meteorological beliefs of the inhabitants of the Right-Bank Polissya makes it possible to single out the ritual and magical methods of correcting weather phenomena: droughts, thunderstorms, hail, and the like. By the beginning of the 21st century in the researchable region, a certain amount of magical protective means of influencing the weather has been preserved, although their reduction and simplification is observed, they begin to acquire an entertaining character, playful features. Modern field materials show that many archaic phenomena have passed from practical use into memories of older people, that need to be recorded promptly.

Keywords: folk meteorology, folk beliefs, magical actions, dictionary, term, Right-Bank Polissya.

Received 2.10.2021


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