« 2024. # 4 (178)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 4 (178), 843—853

UDK 94(477):[174:168.3]

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.04.843



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1362-8270
  • PhD in History, Senior Research Fellow,
  • Maksym Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folklore Studies and Ethnology
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • 4, Hrushevsky Str., 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: grigras@i.ua

Abstract. The solution to the problem of the Ukrainian ethnogenesis hypothesized by the author of this article was fiercely criticized by Leonid Zalizniak who insists that it contradicts not only the principles of scientific research, but also scientific ethics. But, in fact, the opponent does not take into consideration either the theoretical foundations, the applied methods of scientific research, or the author’s analysis of the cultural situation at times of the formation of the Ukrainian nation. He demonstrates ignorance of most of the theoretical basics of ethnology, does not realize the importance of the complex approach to investigating the sources of ethnogenesis, as well as he does not comprehend the notion of ethnogenetic synthesis. L. Zalizniak underestimates the role of ethnic identity in the formation of an ethnic community, considering ethnogenesis the process of the «birth» of an ethnic group. This process is actually endless, as it lasts up to the «disintegration» of a people. According to the concept of L. Zalizniak, all major European ethnic groups originated 1500 years ago. Having no arguments, he declares this process a universal law of the development of peoples living in the middle part of Europe. He draws his own conclusions grounded mostly on the archeological data, while it is now axiomatic to use the complex approach to the sources in ethnogenetic studies. Criticizing the concept of the Ukrainian ethnogenesis suggested by the author of this scientific issue, L. Zalizniak composes complete sentences from the abstracts drawn out of context, and, thus, attributes the following statements to V. Balushok: as to the existence of a formed state as a necessary counterpart of ethnogenesis, as to the author’s alleged denial of the contribution of outstanding Ukrainian scientists to the study of the Ukrainian ethnogenesis. Besides, L. Zalizniak declares him an adept of the stalinism, russian chauvinism, and the like. L. Zalizniak refers to the well-known concept of «meta-ethnic community» in world ethnology, which is used by his opponent, and portrays him as a supporter of the so-called theory of «ancient Rus’ nationality». Besides, having no reasonable grounds, he accuses the opponent of geographical determinism and attributing the beginning of Ukrainian ethnogenesis to a later period, etc. We consider L. Zalizniak’s ultimate goal is to artificially create the concept of the Ukrainian «elder brother» on the scale of the entire Slavic land. The author himself, in our opinion, at best can be recognized only as a popularizer and compiler, but by no means a serious researcher of Ukrainian ethnogenesis.

Keywords: Ukrainian ethnogenesis, ethics of debates, correctness, integrity.

Received 25.07.2024


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