
« 2024. # 4 (178)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 4 (178), 769—776

UDK 070.42+82-92-051](=161.2):070(=161.2)](430)‘‘1919/1920‘‘




  • ORCID:
  • Ph.D. of Philology, Senior Research Fellow,
  • Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv;
  • Head of the department of the Research Institute for Press Studies,
  • 2, Stefanyka str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail:


  • Ph.D. of Philology, Senior Research Fellow,
  • Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv;
  • Senior Researcher at the Research Institute for Press Studies,
  • 2, Stefanyka str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail:

Abstract. The relevance of this study stems from the need to explore the creative work of B. Lepkyi in the context of press studies, particularly his journalistic activities in Ukrainian periodicals in Germany. To date, Ukrainian scholars have predominantly concentrated on the literary, translation, and visual heritage of this multifaceted personality — a public and political figure, educator, writer, linguist, literary and art critic — this study addresses a less examined aspect of his contributions. The novelty of this study lies in its systematic characterization and analysis of Bohdan Lepkyi’s journalistic work in the newspaper «Shliakh» (Salzwedel, Germany), published in 1919—1920. The object of this study is the materials of the newspaper «Shliakh» and the subject is Bohdan Lepkyi’s articles in this periodical. The research methodology is grounded in the principles of systematicity, objectivity, historicism, and includes methods of textual analysis, classification, comparative and content analysis. The study of the materials of the newspaper «Shliakh» revealed at least 38 different genre publications by B. Lepkyi (excluding his poetry), the themes and conclusions of which remain relevant today. This study concludes that Bohdan Lepkyi’s activities in newspaper «Shliakh» spanned several roles: editorial, journalistic, and literary. His various genre publications included editorials, reports, literary-critical and educational articles, various journalistic materials, as well as prose and poetry. The analyzed publications attest to the author’s broad knowledge in the fields of politics, history, literature, cultural and art studies and highlight their educational, cognitive, and awareness-raising significance for the readership.

Keywords: Bohdan Lepkyi, newspaper «Shliakh», Salzwedel, Germany, journalism, editing, journalistic works.

Received 26.06.2024


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