« 2024. # 5 (179)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 5 (179), 1109—1116

UDK [39:728.6.012](477.83-11)”18/19″:930.2

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.05.1109



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1900-8948
  • Doctor of Sciences in History, Senior Researcher
  • of the Institute of Ethnology
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • in the Department of Historical Ethnology,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: radovychroman@gmail.com

Abstract. Nadsyannia is one of the westernmost ethnographic regions of Ukraine, the traditional culture of which has been overlooked by researchers for a long time. According to the current administrative division within Ukraine, its territory covers Mostyskyi, Yavorivskyi (except for its extreme eastern strip), the western part of Horodotskyi, the northern strip of Sambirskyi and Starosambirskyi districts of the Lviv region. It also includes the adjacent part of Ukrainian ethnic lands on the territory of modern Poland. The line of the Ukrainian-Polish ethnic demarcation is considered the conditional western border of Nadsiania. In general, this border coincides with the western borders of the former Przemyњl, Yaroslavl and Lyubachiv counties.

The specifics of the traditional household culture of the Nadsyannia population have never been the subject of special research. Taking into account the fact that folk construction (mainly dwelling) is one of the most fundamental components of the traditional household culture of the ethnic group, and its horizontal planning is considered the basis of the historical classification of dwelling types, the proposed research is extremely relevant.

In the proposed study, the author aims to analyze the planning structure of dwellings in the territories of Nadsiannia, highlight its features, and trace the boundaries of their distribution in the context of related phenomena in neighboring ethnographic regions. The object of the research is the traditional dwellings of the inhabitants of Nadsiannia, while the subject is the peculiarities of its planning. The methodological foundation of the study is based on the principle of historicism combined with elements of structural-functional analysis and the use of the main methods of ethnological science: typological, comprehensive, and retrospective analysis, historical reconstruction, etc. The territory of the study covers only the eastern part of Nadsiannia, namely the Mostyska, Yavoriv, the western part of Horodok, and the northern sections of the Sambir and Staryi Sambir districts of Lviv region (within Ukraine).

In the mid — 19th to early 20th century, the planning structure of dwellings in the Nadsiannia region, against the backdrop of surrounding ethnographic areas, was characterized by an extraordinary variety of planning schemes. Here, both single-row and double-row houses existed. The most common type on the main territory was the double-row dwelling. Heating was mostly provided by a stove connected to the bakery (which was situated against the rear wall of the house); in single-row dwellings, the bakery was arranged in the hallway. Dwellings connected to stables (and less frequently to granaries) were quite widespread. In the southern and northern outskirts, narrow extensions sporadically adjoined the gable ends of the houses.

Keywords: Nadsiannia, dwelling, planning, house, bakery, hallway, pantry, stable, granary.

Received 23.09.2024


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