« 2024. # 5 (179)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 5 (179), 1157—1168

UDK 38(477.82)”1923/1940″(092)Я.Гоффман:930.2

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.05.1157



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3445-3027
  • Junior researcher,
  • Thе Ethnology Institute
  • of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Department of Modern Ethnology,
  • 15, Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: v_viktorivna@ukr.net

Abstract. Introduction. The article analyzes and introduces sources that will contribute to the study of the ethnographic research of Yakub Hoffman in Volyn in the interwar period. The source base on this issue is represented by printed and handwritten materials from the state archives of Rivne (SARR. F. 160 «Jakub Hoffman professor, historian, ambassador to the Diet», F. 184 «Board of the Volyn District Union of Polish Teachers in Rivne, Volyn Voivodeship», F. 202 «Volyn regional committee for the preparation of a biographical dictionary in Rivne, Volyn Voivodeship»), Lutsk (SAVR. F. 46 «Volyn Voivodeship Administration, Lutsk, Volyn Voivodeship») and the book depository of the Rivne Regional Library.

The novelty of the publication is that, for the first time, the source base related to J. Hoffman’s activities in the historical and ethnographic Volyn area has been systematized.

The object of research is the source materials related to the activity of the scientist, and the subject is their ethnographic component.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the source science aspect of Y. Hoffmann’s scientific activity. The task is to analyze archival documents and materials, publications of periodicals, scientific works of J. Hoffman and the epistolary legacy of the scientist.

The methodological basis of the article is the methods of archival research: from the universal — scientific analysis and synthesis, from the general scientific — historical and logical. The methods of systematization, classification, criticism and identification made it possible to unite source materials according to the main types of scientific activity of the scientist.

Rеsults. The analysis of the sources on the specified problem proves that most of them are characterized by significant informative saturation, reliability and diversity of the cultural direction. In general, this makes it possible to sufficiently trace the features of the scientist’s ethnographic research in Volyn and the possibility of using their results in further scientific activity.

Keywords: Yakub Hoffman, Volyn, Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, interwar period, ethnographic studies, sources, archive.

Received 31.07.2024


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  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 1. Autobiography of Hoffman Yakub. November 20. 1928 — September 5, 1935 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 2. A copy of the registration card of Lieutenant Hoffman Yakub. September 20, 1921 — September 30, 1926 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 3. Hoffman Yakub’s recollection of his period in the army in 1915—1916 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 5. The satirical bulletin «Skzhidelko», published under the editorship of Hoffman Yakub during his stay in the first regiment of the legions [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 33. Correspondence with the Trusteeship of the Volyn School District on the appointment of Hoffman Yadwiga to the position of teacher at the State Gymnasium in Rivne and personal documents on education, certificates and more. August 30, 1922 — January 20, 1939 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 30. Report on the activities of the Humanitarian Commission for 1935—1937. 1935—1937 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 77. Report of the delegate of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, Hoffman Yakub, on the excavations carried out in Zaborol and Novy Mylsk in Volyn and correspondence with the museum. October 8, 1924 — October 26, 1932 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160, Op. 1. File 79. Reports on excavations carried out in Gorohovsky Povet and bibliography on the archeology of Volyn Voivodeship. September 16, 1928 — January 23, 1929 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 15. Verbatim records of Hoffman Yakub’s speeches in the Sejm in 1937—1938. February 16, 1937 — February 18, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 17. Charter of the discussion club of ambassadors and senators, draft charter of the parliamentary cultural and educational group of ambassadors and senators and minutes of the general meeting and meetings of the parliamentary group. November 14, 1935 — January 18, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 20. A draft law on the official status of teachers of schools supported by unions of territorial self-governments, presented to the Sejm by Ambassador Hoffman Yakub. March 16, 1936 — March 16, 1936 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 69. Draft charter of the Volyn Scientific Institute at the Kremenets Lyceum; correspondence on the organization of the scientific section of the committee for the affairs of the gentry in eastern Poland and on other issues. January 3, 1938 — December 21, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 83. Charter of the society «The confluence of Polish thought is more political in Volyn». May 16, 1936 — October 3, 1936 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 184. Op. 1. File 3. Correspondence with the editors of the magazine «Illustration for school» and others on issues of history and local history of Volyn. September 6, 1928 — March 30, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SAVR. F. 46. Op. 2. File 1037 a. 1932. Report of the Local History Association for March 1932 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 184. Op. 1. File 30. Minutes of meetings and conferences. Reports on the activities of primary organizations. Letter to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on the state of public education in the eastern voivodeships. December 3, 1933 — December 17, 1934 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 26. A project for organizing a circle to improve the cultural level of the village, a program for the circle’s activities. January 10, 1936 — December 29, 1937 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 27. Program of general education courses in Lutsk [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 35. Hoffman’s manuscript on the history of Rivne [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 41. Historical information about Volyn [in Polish].
  • SAVR. F. 46. Op. 5. File 664. 1932. Data on archaeological exhibits excavated from the former Orthodox cemetery in Grudka in Volyn. December 6, 1933 — December 3, 1935 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 45. Questionnaires about natural attractions and folk customs in Volyn, collected to compile a monograph of the Volyn Voivodeship and answers to them. February 8, 1933 — February 8, 1933 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 47. Copies of answers to the questionnaire about ritual bread and bakery products, sent from Gorohov Dymnych N. [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 46. Questionnaire for collecting geographical names on the territory of the Volyn Voivodeship for compiling a monograph of history and answers to them. June 17, 1929 — May 31, 1931 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 36. Drafts of manuscripts by Hoffman Yakub on the history of the town of Olyki and others. 1916—1937 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 184. Op. 1. File 54. Correspondence with members of the union for collecting information about folk art and rituals in Volyn. February 5, 1938 — March 24, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 24. The program of the legal course organized by the main directorate of the union of Polish teachers and correspondence about the publication of «Chronicles of Polish families of Podolia, Volyn and Ukraine» and on other issues. January 6, 1934 — December 29, 1935 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 70. Plan of lectures on the history of Volyn, Volyn Society of Friends of Science [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 72. Correspondence with the Volyn «Society of Friends of Science» and printing houses about the publication of the Chronicle of the Polish noble families of Podolia, Volyn and Ukraine. December 14, 1939 — April 24, 1939 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 75. Internal charter of the Museum and Library Commission of the «Volyn Society of Friends of Science» and minutes of the meeting of the scientific council of the commission. February 28, 1935 — June 4, 1935 [in Polish] .
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 29. Extract from newspapers regarding the publication of the book «Rochnik Volynsky» by the Volyn District Administration of the Union of Primary Schools. June 30, 1930 — June 30, 1931 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 184, Op. 1. File 23. Lists of institutions in Poland and abroad of subscribers of «Rochnik Volynsky». November 9, 1933 — August 19, 1934 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 184, Op. 1. File 56. Lists of teachers, union members, subscribers of Rochnik Volynsky. February 19, 1938 — September 4, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 48. List of foreign printed publications necessary for use in compiling a bibliography about Volyn. October 31, 1938 — November 13, 1938 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 74. Minutes of the meeting of the Humanitarian Commission of the Volyn Scientific Institute on the compilation of a bibliography of Volyn [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 66. Minutes of the meeting on the organization of the Volyn Committee of the Polish Biographical Dictionary. February 13, 1932 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 67. Charter of the Volyn Local Committee of the Polish Biographical Dictionary and correspondence with the editors about the list of persons whose biographies will be included in the dictionary. September 7, 1934 — December 13, 1934 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 202. Op. 1. File 1. Copies of minutes of meetings of the board of the Polish Biographical Dictionary, the presidium of the Volyn Committee, etc. October 24, 1931 — October 3, 1932 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 202. Op. 1. File 2. Correspondence with the editors of the dictionary and private individuals about the collection of historical materials about Volyn for the biographical dictionary. April 17, 1931 — October 26, 1934 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 6. Letters addressed to Hoffman Yakub and his replies. January 30, 1933 — July 31, 1933 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 10. Letters addressed to Hoffman Yakub and replies to them. January 29, 1932 — August 23, 1932 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 11. Letters addressed to Hoffman Yakub and replies to them. Apri 22, 1925 — February 9, 1939 [in Polish].
  • SARR. F. 160. Op. 1. File 71. Correspondence with the trustee of the Kremenets Lyceum, with the library of the Polish Academy of Arts and with the Volyn «Society of Friends of Science» about holding meetings on the publication of J. Fiyalka’s work «On the beginnings of the bishoprics of Vladimir and Chelm» and carrying out work on collecting materials on the bibliography of Volyn. February 6, 1938 — August 7, 1939 [in Polish].
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  • (1929). Report on a four-week social and educational course in Lutsk in 1929. Polish Out-of-School Education, 6, 308—318 [in Polish].
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