« 2024. # 6 (180)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 6 (180), 1490—1496

UDK [743.02.036.1:73:611]:37.013.3(477.53+477.8)”18″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.06.1490



Abstract. The research is devoted to the study of the development and implementation of artistic anatomy as a key element of art education in Ukrainian institutions in the 19th century. Actually, the relevance of this research focuses on addressing the issues of the Myrhorod Art and Industrial School and the School of Western Ukraine, which to a large extent shaped the cultural and educational standards of Ukrainian art of that time. Artistic anatomy became one of the important subjects in the training of artists and sculptors, orienting students to the European academic traditions of realistic body depiction. In the work, the author sets himself the goal of analyzing how teachers and heads of these schools worked on the development of technical skills and artistic taste in students, which contributed to the formation of a high-quality artistic heritage. The study uses historical-comparative, analytical and contextual methods that allow studying the evolution, educational approaches and the influence of socio-cultural conditions on the development of artistic anatomy in Ukrainian educational institutions. The theoretical and methodological basis for the study of Ukrainian art education in the 19th century was formed by such methods as historical-comparative, which allows us to study the evolution of art education in Ukraine through a comparison of different educational institutions; analytical, which makes it possible to analyze educational approaches and methods of teaching artistic anatomy; contextual, which provides an understanding of the influence of socio-cultural conditions and historical circumstances on the development of art schools.

In the Myrhorod Art and Industrial School and Western Ukrainian art institutions, artistic anatomy became the foundation for realistic depiction of the body, which was especially relevant in the context of the development of painting and sculpture. Teachers of these schools combined academic standards with local artistic traditions, which allowed students to integrate classical skills of domestic and foreign art. various technical knowledge, the study of anatomy developed students’ ability to reproduce dynamic and complex positions, which increased the quality of their artistic works. Teachers stimulated the understanding of anatomical structure as a basis for the transmission of emotional and aesthetic expression, which was important for artistic taste and style. This study also examines the process of adapting the anatomy curriculum to meet the requirements of local culture and the development of aesthetic vision. The results of the study emphasize that in the 19th century, artistic anatomy was not only a number of components in the training of artists, but also contributed to the creation of new artistic traditions in Ukraine.

Keywords: renaissance art, drawing techniques, plastic anatomy, academic tradition, style formation.

Received 5.12.2024


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