« 2024. # 6 (180)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 6 (180), 1509—1514

UDK: 7.03.(477)”1971/2007″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.06.1509



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5878-6147
  • Candidate of Art Studies, Senior Researcher,
  • Institute of Art Studies, Folklore Studies and Ethnology
  • M.T. Rilsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Institute for Modern Art Problems,
  • National Academy of Arts of Ukraine,
  • 4 Hrushevskogo St., 01001, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: Galyna2010@ukr.net

Abstract. The development of the concept of the history of Ukrainian art and, in particular, of its most difficult period — the 20th century, is one of the most urgent tasks of Ukrainian art history, directly related not only to the need to rethink the historical and artistic experience, but also to the modern processes of cultural creation for national self-awareness, the European vector of state development chosen by Ukraine, the conditions of the global media world. The material for discussion and debate is provided by two academic publications prepared at different times by the Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology named after M. Rylsky of the National Academy of Sciences: Histories of Ukrainian art in 5 volumes 1967—1971 and the five-volume edition of 2006—2007, which became milestones for domestic art history. The article analyzes the concepts of both editions, each of which reflected the peculiarities of the historical conditions of their creation — the late Soviet decades and the times of Independence. And if the first of them, prepared in the 1960s and early 1970s, despite its great importance for Ukrainian culture as the first generalizing presentation of national art from ancient times to the mid-1960s in the diversity of its types and genres, a partial return to the cultural space phenomena and names deleted from it during the years of Stalinism, was written in the context of Soviet ideology, which caused its limitations, the edition of the 2000s reflected the problem of conceptual uncertainty in the understanding of Ukrainian artistic progress that is still relevant today, the presence of «white spots» in the coverage of historical processes, phenomena and artists’ creativity, and the narrowness of the methodological foundations of the art critic’s vision, focused on a purely empirical approach to the material, without taking into account the place, the role, functions and evolution of art in the social and cultural context of different historical periods. The experience of both editions, their flaws and achievements, should be taken into account in further scientific works on the history of Ukrainian art, become a step for a broad thorough coverage of a rich, original, multi-layered national artistic progress, which had and still has its significant differences in European and world art spacious.

Keywords: art history, rethinking, artistic experience, historical context.

Received 1.12.2024


  • Bazhan, M. (1967—1971). History of Ukrainian art: in 6 vol. Kyiv: URE [in Ukrainian].
  • Kasiyan, V. (1967, 1971). History of Ukrainian art: in 6 vol. (Vol. 5—6). Kyiv: URE [in Ukrainian].
  • Sydorenko, V. (Ed.). (2006). Essays on the history of fine art of Ukraine of the 20th century: in 2 books. Institute of Contemporary Art Problems of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine. Kyiv: Intertechnology [in Ukrainian].
  • Sydorenko, V. (Ed.). (2006). Essays on the history of fine art of Ukraine of the 20th century: in 2 books (Book 1). Institute of Contemporary Art Problems of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine. Kyiv: Intertechnology [in Ukrainian].
  • Skrypnyk, G., & Kara-Vasilyeva, T. (Eds.). (2007). History of Ukrainian art: in the 5 vol. NAS of Ukraine; IMFE named after M.T. Rylskyi. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
  • Skrypnyk, G. (2007). History of Ukrainian art: in 5 vol. (Vol. 5). NAS of Ukraine; IMFE named after M.T. Rylskyi. Kyiv Kyiv [in Ukrainian].


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