« 2024. # 6 (180)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 6 (180), 1547—1562


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.06.1547



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9677-995X
  • Сandidate of Arts (Ph. D),
  • Senior Researcher,
  • The Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv,
  • Department of Ukrainian Art of the 19th—20th centuries,
  • 20, Svobody Avenue, 79008, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: olesiasem17@gmail.com

Abstract. Introduction and Problem Statement. The importance of the period from the second half of the 19th century to the early years of the 20th century for the development of Ukrainian art, including religious art, up to the present day, and its recent research has been attracting increasing attention. Thus, the outlined topic addresses a relevant issue. The Purpose of the article is to highlight and clarify the reasons for the emergence and sources of inspiration for such a unique phenomenon in church painting, which can conditionally be called «saints in embroidered shirts». Object of the study is the theoretical reflections of the artists themselves on religious art presented in publications and epistolary works, as well as a certain group of their creations. The main focus is on several of the most famous images by Julian Pankevych. Subject of the study is the manifestations of national elements in church painting. The research methodology relies on a comparative method, as well as art analysis, description, methods of induction and deduction, and generalizations. The chronological framework is not strictly defined; in relation to specific objects, it covers the years 1888—1905. The territorial scope is Eastern Galicia, specifically the locations where the analyzed monuments were created and preserved.

Based on the analysis of written sources and the monuments themselves, conclusions were drawn about the idea of the emergence of an innovative approach in Ukrainian church painting of the second half of the 19th century, conditionally called «saints in embroidered shirts». The attitude towards such religious images in professional, church circles, and the general public was traced. The provenance of several of Julian Pankevych’s most famous works, as the author of innovative images with ethnographic elements, was reconstructed.

Keywords: church painting of the 19th century, Julian Pankevych, innovative searches, ethnographic elements, national ideal of Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Received 29.11.2024


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