« 2024. # 6 (180)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 6 (180), 1671—1677

UDK: 39:572.9:316.347(477)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2024.06.1671



  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1207-9388
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer,
  • Department of History of Ukraine and Economic Theory,
  • 50, Pekarska St., 79010, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: pozhodzhuk@lvet.edu.ua

Abstract. Due to globalization, the lifestyle of rural people is changing rapidly. More and more carriers of folk culture are passing away, taking with them the last vestiges of traditional everyday life. This applies not only to urbanized localities, but also to such hard-to-reach natural and geographical areas as Polissya or the Carpathians. Therefore, the sources of traditional household culture published over the past decade are of considerable importance.

The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize sources on the history of traditional Hutsul household culture presented in the series Ethnographic Image of Modern Ukraine. A Corpus of Expeditionary Folklore and Ethnographic Materials.

The object of scientific research is materials from the Hutsul region, presented in volumes 2 to 10 of the Ethnographic Image of Modern Ukraine….

The subject of the research is the geography of the source texts and images of the publication, as well as names of the specialists involved.

The time limits of the work are determined by the dating of textual and illustrative sources of the multi-volume Ethnographic Image of Modern Ukraine…, therefore, they cover the period from the 1920s to the early 2000s. The research methodology is based on the historiographic research component, comparative and typological methods.

Ultimately, it was found out from which settlements of the Hutsul region the textual materials and photographs published in the Ethnographic Image of Modern Ukraine… originated.

The quantitative representation of Hutsul settlements by textual and pictorial sources within the districts was established. The general chronological specificity of texts and images was determined. The names of the field specialists who collected materials for volumes 2—10 in the Hutsul region were given.

Keywords: Ethnography, historical and ethnographic Hutsul region, Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology, field expeditions.

Received 5.11.2024


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