The Ethnology Notebooks. 2025. № 1 (181), 95—109
UDK [7.01:004.4-028.63:330.47](477)”19/20″
- Leading researcher,
- State University «Institute of Regional Studies
- named after M.I. Doleshnyi National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,
- St. Kozelnytska, 4, 79026, Lviv, Ukraine
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to consider the retrospective of the formation of digital forms of art both from the point of view of technologies and from the point of view of economic aspects and socio-cultural changes occurring in society, to determine their features in Ukrainian culture and to identify characteristic development trends.
In the 21st century the introduction of digital technologies and related innovations in the field of art deepen its cultural content, contribute to the discovery and awareness of internal laws and make possible the emergence of new integral forms of creativity. Digital and art are not just closely related, they complement and develop each other, proving that art cannot exist outside of time and technological changes.
A retrospective analysis of the process of formation and development of digital art in the world, identification of its features and characteristic trends in Ukrainian culture was carried out.
Retrospective shows that the cultural dynamics of the XX-XXI centuries presents a broad panorama of the mutual influences of scientific achievements, political ideologies and revolutionary directions in art from the avant-garde to digital art practices, which reflects the integration of various types of art (photography, cinema, video, music, painting, literary genres), creating various configurations of new techno-artistic hybrids with the help of their computer processing.
It is shown on concrete factual material that digitization and the formation of value-semantic guidelines for functioning in the digital environment of Ukraine today require defining them as an actual political and social problem and require further scientific research on the influence of cultural practices on the formation of cultural policy in the sphere of ensuring people’s rightshuman rights to cultural development, accessibility of art values, appropriate level and quality of cultural services
Research methods: retrospective — to determine and describe the historical stages of formation and development of digital art; analysis and synthesis — to identify characteristic trends and features of digitization of fine art; comparative — to compare the features of creating works of art with the help of artificial intelligence.
Keywords: digitization, digital culture, digital art, technodiscourse, retrospective, digital forms of art, new technologies, Ukrainian culture, economic aspect, Digital Art.
Received 1.02.2025
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