« 2025. # 1 (181)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2025. № 1 (181), 119—125

UDK 745.51:008(477.83/.86)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/



  • ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3581-4103
  • Doctor of Art History, Professor,
  • Lviv State University of Physical Culture 
  • named after Ivan Bobersky,
  • Department of Choreography and Art History,
  • 11 Tadeusz Kostyushko St., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Abstract. Introduction. Ukraine is a country witch rich art development history. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, there was a national revival of the Ukrainian people. This had a positive effect on the development of art and resulted in its development in a national direction 

Problem Statement. The topic of national revival in Ukrainian culture has not been studied in detail to this days. Therefore, this topic is relevant for the development of Ukrainian art.

Purpose. To show the socio-economic conditions of the development of Galician art in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a special period in the history of Ukrainian art. The research materials can be used in the writing of works on the history of art, as well as for education of students.

Methods research is based on general scientific principles: systematicity, reliability, historicism, logic. Comparative-historical and cultural methods are dominant for analyzing socio-cultural processes and the development of art in Ukraine end of ХІХ th — beginning of the ХХth century.

Results.The development of art in Ukraine in the period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries proceeded in two directions — with the imitation of historical artistic styles and the use of ornamental and compositional systems of traditional folk art. This is especially evident in the examples of sacred art. For example, the influence of folk art ornaments is noticeable in the artistic and figurative solution of the works of the famous artist Modest Sosenko. A vivid example of this is the use of Hutsul and Boyko ornamentation in the decoration of sacred and residential buildings. In this regard, the design work of Olena and Olga Kulchytsky was significant.

Conclusion. The era of national cultural revival of the Ukrainian people was vividly expressed in the synthesis of arts. Carving, painting, ceramics, metal, carpet making and other types of art were combined into a single ensemble. This contributed not only to the development of art, but also to the art industry.

Keyworlds: art development, national revival, artistic culture, carving, arts school, national traditions, icon, sacred art, ethnodesign.

Received 28.01.2025


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