« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1367—1382

УДК 801.81+ 811.161.2″38

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.06.1367


  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1936-6673
  • doctor of philological sciences, professor
  • Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature,
  • Sumy State Pedagogical University A.S. Makarenko
  • Str. Romenskaya, 87, Sumy, 40002
  • e-mail: tpb2016@ukr.net


Knowledge of the nature of the phenomenon of language form, language syntax, language idea of thoughts is one of the primary tasks of linguistic analysis of this genre of folklore, because it opens prospects for understanding the essence and energy of thought discourse among other genres of folk art. This determines the relevance of the topic of scientific intelligence. The purpose of the article is to describe the fundamental components that integrally form the concept of text-image universality as a fundamental constitutive linguistic-structural unit of the Duma epic; to find out the nature of the textual and figurative universal — a natural constructive component of the epic folk-poetic improvised narrative, which synthesizes the unity of form, content and aesthetics in the figurative and symbolic content.

Theobject of scientific observation is the linguistic organization of Ukrainian folk dumas, the subject — text-shaped universals as nuclear structures that generate epic narrative, their common fundamental attributes and properties that characterize the purpose and functional role of these structures.

Research methods. The main research method is descrip­tive.

In the course of the research it was found out that text-like universals are universal signs of the language/speech system. In the article text-shaped universals are considered in their correlation with formulas. The correlation of the concept and text-shaped universal, folklore sign-symbol and text-shaped universal is determined. Attention is paid to the systemic nature of text-shaped universals. It is proved that the text-shaped universal is a linguistic model. The text-shaped universal is characterized as a linguistic-structural means of folklore improvisation, as a tool of folklore communication.

Conclusions. Thus, the textual-image universal is a cognitive-psychological mental formation embodied in the appropriate language form (model), which functions in the artistic (genre) continuum, reflecting the schematic image of the phenomenon, person, thing, based on evaluative semantics — typical (exemplary, exemplary) for a certain class of phenomena, things and is intended for the implementation of folklore communication (is a language code that ensures the preservation of information and serves as a means of transmitting it). We perceive text-image units as a traditionally conceived, canonized in a certain way in the folk genre unity of form, content, aesthetic content, focused on the preservation, transmission and reproducibility of the relationship. The concept of textual and figurative universality also tends to understand it as a kind of linguistic and aesthetic sign of national culture.

Keywords: text-shaped universal, formula, concept, sign-symbol, folklore, language of Ukrainian folk dumas, folklore communication, improvisation.


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