« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1454—1483

УДК 398.332(477.82)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.06.1454


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7780-5876

  • Candidate of Philology, Docent
  • The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
  • Department of Ethnology,
  • 1, Universytets’ka str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine
  • e-mail: halay_czuk@ukr.net


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5924-8930

  • Deputy Director of Research,
  • Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life in Lviv
  • named after Klymentii Sheptytskyi,
  • 1, Chernecha Hora str., Lviv, 79014, Ukraine
  • e-mail: SerhiyTsypyshev@gmail.com


The urgency of the issue of this paper is due to a number of factors, but above all, it is the significant interest of a wide range of people interested in the traditions of their folk, to the phenomena of spiritual culture. In the proposed selection of materials, the authors set an aim to describe comprehensively the folk calendar of Liubeshiv region, which is a component of Western Polissia. The object of the research is calendar-marked rites, customs, beliefs and folklore of the settlements of Liubeshiv region, and the subject is their all-Ukrainian features, regional and local features. The methodological basis of the study was the use of the method of field ethnography, as well as the work of ethnographers in the area of compiling folk calendars of individual localities. The traditional calendar of Liubeshiv region has not yet been the subject of special research. This aspect is not enough covered in the scientific literature, so the basis of the paper is the field materials of the authors.

The publication comprehensively describes the register of big and little holidays, in the solemnization of which in the Liubeshiv region is clearly traced the folk component.

In general, traditional calendar customs, rites and their folklore accompaniment in Liubeshiv region correspond to the identical layer of spiritual culture of other districts of Western Polissia and are organically intertwined into the all-Polissian, and mostly in the all-Ukrainian traditions also.

Among the relics of spiritual antiquity, it is worth noting:

· The custom of calling for Christmas Dinner, in addition to Frost, also the Wind and the Sun;

· The motivation of the custom of throwing shells from consecrated eggs «on the moving water» in order to «swim to the dead»;

· The existence of the archaic custom of «vodyty Kusta»;

· The connection of the «obzhynky beard» and the celebration of St. Andrew’s Day with the funeral rites, etc.

Keywords: Polissia, Liubeshiv district, calendar customs and ceremonies, Christmas, Easter, Yuri’s day, Mermaids week, Kupala.


  • Tolstaya, S.M. (2005). Polissya popular calendar. (Traditional spiritual culture of the Slavs. Modern research). Moskow: Indrik [in Russian].
  • Oshurkevych, O. (1997). Customs vodinnia Kusta in Volyn Polissya. Polissya: ethnicos, traditions, culture: The collection of materials of International scientific conference (Pp. 103—110). Lutsk [in Ukrainian].


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