« 2020. # 6 (156)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2020. # 6 (156), 1256—1272

УДК 17.035.3(477):(470-045.625)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2020.06.1256


  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9625-0690
  • Candidate of Sciences in Art Studies (Ph. D),
  • Lecturer of Cherkasy Professional College of Food Technology and Business,
  • 84, Smilyanska st., 18008, Cherkasy, Ukraine,
  • e-mail: kulish_oxana_andre@ukr.net


The topicality of the research is formed by the coverage of the ingrained worldview on ostracism and badgering in Ukrainian society. The problem: chaotic perception of the concepts «ostracism, bullying, mobbing» and their determination in the ontological dimension of modern Ukrainian society. The object of research: the phenomena of ostracism and badgering within the Ukrainian society and in relation to Ukraine. The subject of research: Russian assimilation in the ontological dimension of modern Ukrainian society. The purpose:to find out the relationship between the phenomena of ostracism and badgering to Russian assimilation in the ontological dimension of modern Ukrainian society in the areas of ethical constructs of tolerance and intolerance. The methodological basis is a type of research  — ethnoethics in the context of social anthropology by descriptive approach, methods of retrospection and synthesis, analysis in the historical dynamics of the 20th — first third of the 21st century the functioning of the phenomena ostracism, bullying-mobbing, the concepts of tolerance, intolerance in Ukrainian society.

As a result, domestic sources of sociology-humanitarian research are analyzed on the selected concepts of «ostracism, bullying, mobbing» for their explication in the stream of social anthropology and the study of their manifestations. In retrospect to the Ukrainian existence of the Soviet times, the functioning of ostracism, bullying, mobbing and Russian assimilation is analyzed. From the standpoint of ethnoethics, the influence of Russian assimilation on the ethical construct of intolerance in the worldview specifics of modern Ukrainian society is clarified as a legacy of the criminal worldview of the Russian-Bolshevist-communistic lumpen. The influence of Russian cultural diffusion through the Kremlin’s social and communication technologies on modern Ukrainian society at the stages of its peaceful and militarized states is considered.

Keywords: ostracism, bullying, mobbing, badgering, tolerance, intolerance, Ukrainian society, Russian assimilation, Russian cultural diffusion.


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