« 2021. # 1 (157)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2021. # 1 (157), P. 131—141

УДК 745. 52(=161. 2):001. 891(083. 97)”XIX/XX”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2021.01.131


  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0340-5436
  • Сandidate of Аrts (Ph. D),
  • Associate Professor of Design and Art Theory
  • Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
  • Str. Sakharova, 34-a, 76014,Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
  • e-mail: kalyna015@gmail.com


Introduction. Over the last thirty years, Ukrainian carpet weaving as an industry has lost its production infrastructure. Aesthetic priorities in interior design have changed, which has negatively affected the status of the Ukrainian carpet in the mass housing culture. These negative processes were offset by cultural, artistic and scientific activities.

Problem Statement. In the article we will try to analize the discourse of Ukrainian carpet weaving in scientific, practical and art programs of the late XX — early XXІ centuries. This is important for the promotion of Ukrainian carpet weaving as a cultural heritage at the national level and its incorporation into the world context.

Purpose. The object of the article is the discourse of Ukrainian carpet weaving in scientific programs, the subject is a presentation in book publishing, art and cultural studies and projects, museum collections and modern media resources, in art events; results of activity of specialized symposiums.

Methods. Historical and comparative research methods are used in the work.

Results. The panorama of activities, initiatives devoted to the Ukrainian carpet weaving for the last thirty years is recreated, the comparative analysis with world practices is carried out.

Conclusion. Over the last thirty years, Ukrainian carpet weaving as a branch has lost its production infrastructure, at the same time a certain dynamics of cultural, art and scientific development has been maintained here. This is reflected in a number of scientific papers, in book publishing, and especially programs aimed at restoring interest in carpet weaving. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the opening of the museum of carpet weaving in Hlynyany, which was preceded by the program «Revive Hlynyany carpet».

In general, most of the programs proved to be effective in terms of art practices, but never became a factor in the restoration of carpet production. This trend is not regional and is typical of other arts and crafts industries not only in Ukraine but also in countries with a post-Soviet past. An exceptional example, in particular in the field of carpet weaving, is demonstrated by the Azerbaijani experience.

To date, there are no specialized media resources dedicated to Ukrainian carpets, professional texts in the languages of international communication. Therefore, Ukrainian carpet weaving is not currently incorporated into the world context. The issue of developing the interactivity of Ukrainian museums is relevant.

The example of lizhnyks is indicative of the activities that took place in Ukraine during the 1990s and 2010s. Several diverse programs and projects were devoted to this subject. But today the industry has shrunk as much as possible, has problems with quality raw materials, the market, product certification ecc.

Keywords: subject of Ukrainian carpet weaving, art, culture, science, information resources.


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