« 2022. # 3 (165)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2022. № 3 (165), 615—621

UDK 94(477.85):94(478)]”1573″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2022.03.615


BALUKH Oleksii

  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000—0001—8091—8118
  • PhD in History, Assistant Professor,
  • Department of History of Ukraine,
  • Faculty of History, Political Science
  • and International Relations,
  • Chernivtsi Y. Fed’kovych National University,
  • 2, Kotsyubynsky Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: a.balukh@chnu.edu.ua

Abstract. The article analyzes the military and political situation in the North Moldavian lands (Khotyn volost) in the early 70’s of the XVIth century during the intensification of Ottoman expansion in Central and Eastern Europe. Bogdan IV was a proprietor of Moldavia from 1568 to 1572. He succeeded to the throne as son of the previous ruler, Alexandru Lгpușneanu.

The close political cooperation between Poland and Bogdan led to his dethronement by Sultan Selim II and the strain of Poland-Turkey relations. In the army of M. Meletsky were the Cossacks, which in 1572 helped the hospodar Bogdan IV to restore power over the state, which was captured by John III the Terrible. While still on the throne, Bohdan IV allowed the Poles to deploy his garrison and artillery in Khotyn, led by M. Dobrosolovsky.

The Khotyn Fortress was located on the shores of the Dniester River. After crossing the Dniester, M. Meletsky and his army passed through Bukovyna and arrived at the Prut River, from where he sent the chorunzhyy Bilavsky and Bogdan’s servants to Khotyn for cannons. However, M. Meletsky and Bohdan IV failed to break through to Iași (Jassy), which was the capital of Moldavia, and were forced to retreat to Khotyn, fighting off Turkish-Tatar and Moldavian troops.

The Polish-Cossack army encamped under the fortress, and the commanders were located in the castle.

The Turks tried to capture the camp, but the Poles and Cossacks managed to repel their attack. In the end, the Poles agreed with the Turks on a truce and the withdrawal of troops.

The crossing of Polish-Cossack troops across the Dniester was delayed for five days. Later, the master John III the Terrible with the help of the Turks tried to capture Khotyn Castle, but Polish troops stubbornly defended themselves for several months. In the end, John III agreed with the Polish government to take the oath of allegiance, which he did. Only after that the Polish troops leave the Khotyn Fortress.

Keywords: Khotyn volost, Moldavia, military-political relations, Poland, Ottoman Empire, John III the Terrible.

Received 6.04.2022


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