« 2023. # 2 (170)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2023. № 2 (170), 299—306


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2023.02.299


BABII Nadiia

  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9572-791X
  • PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor,
  • Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
  • 57, Shevchenka St., 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: nadiia.babii@pnu.edu.ua

Abstract. The publication examines the essential features of cultural and artistic practices in Western Ukrainian cities in the realities of war 2022. The role of the region as a shelter, humanitarian and cultural center for preserving identity is revealed. Social and cultural reflection on the modes of existence of war as a phenomenon of physical reality and as a discursive construct that exist simultaneously are reproduced through material and symbolic (textual) parameters are taken into account. Reactive and reflexive artistic practices reflect an understanding of the novelty of «war in the city», which requires the application of urban strategies of resistance. Existential differences in the creation of narratives for different target audiences of both local and global society are determined. It is noted that artistic artivism once again actualized the issue of the social content of art, the meaning of culture, mobilizing artists and institutions to the processes of modeling the actual reality and its retrans mission.

The research methodology is based on objective observation and analysis, which made it possible to single out a number of typical artistic practices that were instantly transformed into mobilizing strategies of resistance. The main source material was my own photographic material, publications on social networks, emotional observations of individual random and regular cultural and artistic practices of the first month of the war, my own reflection.The article is supplemented with works from the educational task «War Diaries», created by the author for students specializing in «graphic design» of the Department of Design and Theory of Art of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Arts of PNU on March 14, 2022.

The aim of the study is to record the mobilization practices of the artistic community in Western Ukrainian cities and ways of communicating with a wide international audience through artistic reactivity.

Conclusions. In conclusion, we note that modern realities demonstrate a bright turn of artists to the social and humanitarian aspect. Cultural and artistic practices, which were recently recognized as marginal, now occupy exclusive positions, turning into new military strategies and information weapons, which can be interpreted as a kind of renewal of the avant-garde. The artistic environment creates iconic markers and is itself a marker of the avant-garde as a state of society. The transformations of artistic practices practically do not concern the formal aspects of art, which mainly demonstrate ready-made templates, texts, paraphrases from the everyday, changing their meaning; fighting and attacking prevail as foresight and insight. Traditionally, grassroots initiatives have grown into self-organized group and mass initiatives. Institutionalization in the cultural field is fixed by rapid archiving.

Keywords: artistic artivism, war 2022, Western Ukraine, reactivity, reflection.

Received 25.02.2023


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