« 2024. # 6 (180)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2024. № 6 (180), 1743—1752

UDK 94(477.83/.86)”188/191″:334.722-055.2:050.481″Діло”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/



  • ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7826-6517
  • Postgraduate student of the Department of Сentral
  • and Eastern European History
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • 1, Universyty street, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine,
  • Contacts: e-mail: m.gorokhovyanko@gmail.com

Abstract. Introduction. The article focuses on how women developed their business with the help of the press, using the opportunity to publish long appeals, namely letters, and to advertise their shops.

Purpose – to study the coverage of women’s entrepreneurship in Galicia in the pages of the daily newspaper «Dilo».

Methods is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity, systematicity, statistical method and comprehensive analysis of women’s entrepreneurship.

Results. According to the analysis of advertisements, women mostly headed small businesses, which was due to the small-scale nature of the Galician economy. The most common industries among women were tailoring, floristry, and tobacco. However, candy and grocery stores were also popular.

Conclusion. The newspaper «Dilo» is important in the context of the study of women’s entrepreneurship, as its pages contained up-to-date information about trade schools/courses, trade unions and societies, and most importantly, about the enterprises themselves, where women were owners and managers. It is worth noting the editorial calls to honor one’s own and develop Ukrainian entities. The «one to one» section is worth mentioning, where the contributors called for supporting Ukrainian business and buying goods from Ukrainians. The newspaper also popularized Ukrainian economic societies and encouraged membership in them, including the women’s industrial union «Trud». These articles clearly portrayed the motivation of women, why they needed economic independence.

Keywords: «Dilo», women, education, entrepreneurship, Galicia, commercial ads.

Received 5.11.2024


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