« 2019. № 4 (148)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 4 (148), 833—841

УДК 801.81:398.8:[7.045:2-135.3]

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.04.833


KOVAL Halyna

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2998-2357

candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD),

Senior Researcher at FolkloreDepartment

Institute of Ethnography of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Svobody Avenue 15, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.

Contacts: e-mail: galyna.kov@gmail.com

Abstract. In the article, we use the term reduplication to consider the folklore text model, since it’s based on a repetition of the rite and its elements in the song. We are talking about such a phenomenon as a repetition of rites, which are ordinary elements in a folk song, or just its nomination. It’s a peculiar identity of actions of the participants in the spectacle, which indicates the ancient syncretism of the phenomenon. In the study, it is important to understand the poetics of words and actions that figuratively complement each other. It is necessary to determine the system of linguistic, communicative, folk and ethnographic factors that form the reduplications of the structure. The word that became detached from the rite takes on additional functions. At this stage, it is not enough to independently express magical meaning without ritual actions. Belief in the magic of action and the word rite originated from its rethought and then disappears, the verbal text remains, it does not fully interact with the rite. This applies to those genres where verbal texts have been preserved, and the ceremonial accompaniment has disappeared.

The reduplication phenomenon appears at the level of nominating the rite, the participants and their actions. A number of texts contain information about traditional ceremonial dishes (kutya, uzvar, porridge) and others. The spatial locus is often repeated, where a certain ritual action takes place: the decoration of a Bush and escorting mermaids takes place in the forest. Separate actions are being reduplicated — «Kupala cleaning» and attributes — «flowers, wreaths, a candle». The emphasis on these elements in the rite and songs reinforces the significance and symbolism of the images.

Often duality (in the song — in the rite) manifests itself in ceremonial attributes — the ceremonial wreath, the last sheaf of «beard», the «field grandfather», in accordance with which the folk tradition consolidated the symbolic meaning of power and immortality.

Folklore and ethnographic reduplication can be seen in the New Year cycle. Ritual visual plowing was intensified by the verbal and poetic form of expression.

Reduplication is reflected in various cycles of calendar-ritual songs at the level of nominating the rite, the participants and generally accepted norms and rules. A prominent place was taken by the reproduction of matrimonial elements (shoe, kupala, sobitka) and beliefs that relate to the cult of ancestors (mermaids, «beard», field grandfather).

Keywords: reduplication, rite, folklore model, poetics.

Received 27.05.2019


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