2013 year, issue 4



Radovych Roman. On traditional building practice in chornobyl alienation zone: some problens of study and conservation of monuments. P. 575-585

In the article have been considered some examples of traditional building practice along Polisia territories of the former Chornobyl (partly Polisian) region, Kyivan land (now in alienation zone). Characteristics of ritual, constructive and technologic aspects of folk building have been presented. Several monuments of folk architecture survived until now have been noted as worth to be turned into museums.

Keywords: Polisia, zone of alienation, folk dwelling.

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Kushnir Vitalii. On some sources of finnancial support and expenses by the Museum of Shevchenko Scientific society during 1920s and 1930s. P. 586-590

In the article has been considered a problem of financial support and expenses by Museum of Shevchenko Scientific Society during the interwar period. In the course of study a conclusion was made that the functioning of Museum had progressed owing to Society’s constant efforts and Directorate’s attempt to gain financial means for the institution. The role of various Ukrainian organizations as well as of private persons in material support of Society’s Museum has been exposed. Especial note has been made to contributions gathered by Adherents of Shevchenko Scientific Society’s Museum of Culture and History.
Keywords: museum work, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Museum of Shevchenko Scientific Society, Adherents of Shevchenko Scientific Society’s Museum of Culture and History.

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Kis Oksana. Between the personal and the political: gendered experiences of female participants of the national liberation struggle on western ukrainian territories in the 1940—1950s. P. 591-599

This article explores how personal and political issues were intertwined in the experiences of women participating in the of the national liberation struggle on Western Ukrainian territories in the 1940—1950s. Based on the analysis of former female partisans’ testimonies, this study examines how women combined their traditional family values with their political persuations in the context of their active involvement into the armed guerilla war, how women negotiated the ideas and practices of motherhood and gendered family roles as propagated by the nationalist ideology with their agency in this specific phase of the Ukrainian national project.
Keywords: Ukrainian women, national liberation struggle, motherhood, femininity, the 20th century.

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Odynets Svitlana. Ukrainian female migrants in Italy: socio-demographic portrait and main factors of migrational process in the perspective of the last decade. P. 600-607

In the article have been discussed main socio-demographic features of Ukrainian migrant community in Italy. The author has systematized major reasons and ways of women’s migration, as well as main types of female migrants’ employment. The study was based on the author’s field research-works performed in Italy in July 2012. Possible directions for future research in this area are drawn.
Keywords: female migration, feminization of migration, social network, Ukrainian migrants in Italy.

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Bahlai Mariya. On ritual functions of trinitarian flora in volhynians (after ethnographic materials of 2009—2011expeditions). P. 608-615

In the article have been considered some ritual functions of Trinitarian flora used in folk devotional practices alongthe territories of historio-ethnographic Volhynia. On the ground of gathered fieldethnographic records, source evidences and data of scientific publicationsthe author has thrown new light upon local peculiarities in functional predestination of floral decorations and their use in the calendar household ritualism.
Keywords:Volhynia, Holy Trinity festival, greening,ritualism.

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Serebryakova Olena. Ritual symbolism and ritual objects in ukrainian mantic practices. P. 616-622

In the article written on the ground of ethnographic materials (incl. author’s own field records) have been considered some Ukrainian fortune-telling practices performed with the use of ritual objects. Symbolical meanings and variety of such objects have been analyzed. A point has been proved that those mantic acts aimed wedding matters and belonged to prerogatives of girls during their pre-bridal status.
Keywords: fortune-telling (mantic, divination), ritual objects, bowls, choice

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Momot Tina. Transformation of moral and axiologic orientations of country youth under conditions of present-day town. P. 623-628

In the article has been considered a problem of transformative changes in nowadays country youth’s moral and axiological attitudes under conditions of present-day town reality. In her research-work the author has moved a proposal to define four conventional blocks that in sum would make up a panoramic image of values in young people’s worldviews: traditional, Christian, Soviet and Western ones. The results of the study have presented syncretism of views and absence of the integrating model of values.
Keywords: moral orientation, transformation, country youth, traditional values, multiculturalism, Soviet morality, consumerism.

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Bilyakovsky Petro. The reasons of drought in traditional calendar of Carpathian Ukrainians. P. 629-636

On the ground of field ethnographic research-works the author has presented his results of analytical study in traditional notions about the reasons of droughts. General complexes of calendar bans have been selected. The role and functions of labor taboos have been defined.
Keywords: drought, Carpathians, weaving, agricultural work.

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Nykorak Olena. On original artistic features in home-woven kerchiefs of Pokutia. P. 637-647

In the article have been analyzed some artistic peculiarities discerned in damask-woven kerchiefs of Pokutia. In the course of study have been considered most typical schemes of compositions, motifs, colouring as well as means and ways of artistic expressiveness.
Keywords: home-woven kerchiefs, schemes of compositions, motifs, colouring.

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Fedorchuk Olena. Major functions of beads décor of the ukrainian folk clothing. P. 648-659

The article examines major functions of beads decor of the Ukrainian folk clothing. The author analyzes mutual connections between the purpose of typologically different beads decorations and their composition.
Keywords: beads, necklaces, decorative beadwork, clothing, function.

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Dyadyukh-Bohatko Natalia. The sources of ukrainian weapon artistry: parallels in art studies. P. 660-667

Ornamentation of weapon is a component of Ukrainian decorative applied art. In the article have been considered some historical and cultural points of craftsmen’s creativeness. Artistic peculiarities of decorativeness have been presented.
Keywords: weapon, art, decoration, artistic expression, ornament, form.

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Chaplii Oleksandra. On ceramic ocarinas in ukraine: origination, function, constructive, technologic and artistic peculiarities. P. 668-673

The article has dealt with the origin of ocarina and its place in Ukrainians’ native musical and artistic practices. Some general design and technologic features being preconditions in creation of professional musical instruments have been defined. Artistic values of ocarinas in Ukraine have been analyzed upon the basis of creative experience by craftsmen of the second half XX and early XXI cc.
Keywords: ocarina, vessel flute, Zozulka, origin, function, design, technological features, artistic properties.

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Dmytrenko Mykola. Hryhorii Nudha and the state of ukrainian folklore studies during last two decades. P. 674-678

The role by Hryhorii Nudha, eminent ethnographer and civil activist, in development of native folklore studies and progress of folklore research-works in Ukraine during 1991—2012 has been presented in the article.
Keywords: Ukrainian folklore, oral traditionфд culture, methodology, genre, personality.

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Horbal Mariya. On the sources of data for writing the work Ukrainian tale and song in the world by Hryhorii Nudha. P. 679-692

In the article have been analyzed and grouped sources for the base of data used by Hryhorii Nudha during his work on two-volumed study Ukrainian tale and song in the world. After author’s evaluation there had been more than 700~positions in scholar’s command, viz. literature publications, so native, as foreign ones since XVI c.
Keywords: newspapers, serial editions, monographs, editions with no full bibliographic description, the Ethnology Institute of NAS of Ukraine.

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Betsenko Tetiana. Hryhorii Nudha’s research-works on the folk epic tales. P. 693-695

In the paper has been considered H.A. Nudha’s contribution into the studies of national heroic epic tales. The scholar’s conclusions as for the nature of folk epic tales have been defined. Characteristics have been given to the researcher’s notions about connections between various genres of folk creative activity. Scale of scientist’s investigational efforts has been presented and affirmed.
Keywords: people’s heroic epic tales, folk, ballads.

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Yeremenko Oksana. M. Kostomarov’s most radical ballad in reception of Hryhorii Nudha. P. 696-698

The article has dealt with the type of M. Kostomarov’s Shulpika ballad in the critical review made by H. Nudha. Author of the article has made an attempt to solve a problem: what was the reason of H. Nudha’s viewing the ballad as rarest and most radical creation of the whole early Ukrainian romantasism period.
Keywords: ballad, romanticism, folklore, people’s song.

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Nabok Maryna. Hryhorii Nudha’s scientific deed and formation of principialgrounds in the studies of ukrainian national epic tales. P. 699-701

The article has thrown some light upon Hryhorii Nudha’s notions as for the rise of a genre of Ukrainian folk epic tales and their significance in formation of national principial basis of modern Ukrainian studies of folklore
Keywords: duma epic, genre, spiritual world, reviews, evaluations, perceptions

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Bobrova Natalia. On folkloristic activities by Hryhorii Nud’ha. P. 702-704

The article has presented an attempt in evaluation of G. Nudga’s intellectual activities in the field of folkloristic studies. The researcher’s role in the formulation and promotion of Ukrainian folklore studies in the world has been defined.
Keywords: folklore, Ukrainian folk art, the history of Ukrainian culture.

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Svitlana Petkun. Ahatanhel Krymsky as a phenomenon of Ukrainian science and culture. P. 705-708

The article has thrown some light upon the need of deep and multilateral researches in activities and creative heritage by maîtres of Ukrainian science and culture who owing to their self-sacrificing work had promoted the salvation of Ukrainian people’s originality. The author has launched the claim of more detailed studies in the heritage of Ahatanhel Yukhymovych Krymsky, the world-known Ukrainian scientist
Keywords: Ukrainian studies, Oriental studies, Ukrainism, Ukrainian science, Ukrainian culture.

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Vupasnyak Galyna. On the image of ukrainians according to journey diary The description of patriarch Makarios’ travel by Paul of Aleppo. P. 709-711

The article has brought some results of studies in the image of Ukrainians noted by Paul of Aleppo, son of Makarios III, Patriarch of Antioch, in his journey diary. His especial attention deacon Paul had paid to Ukrainians’ religious life as well as to descriptions of temples and monasteries, monastic life etc. Figure of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and collective representation of Cossackdom have been thoroughly exposed as true specimens of spiritual knighthood and nobility.
Keywords: image of Ukrainians, journey diary, Paul of Aleppo.

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Leshchynska Svitlana. Interrelations in specimens of ukrainian and polish folklore sung monostrophs. P. 712-717

In the article has been considered a problem as for the nature of interrelations in genre varieties of Ukrainian and Polish monostrophic lyrical songs. Comparison of folklore specimens has been used as a method in complex analysis aimed to define their special national features and possible borrowings. Musical factor was taken in mind in the course of analysis sung miniatures .
Keywords: interrelation, lyrical monostrophs, Ukrainian folklore, Polish folklore, national specificity, self-identification, borrowing.

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Bobrovnytska Natalia. On some peculiarities of versification in folk songs (after Songs of native village, a collection compiled by A. Put’). P. 718-721

The article has thrown light upon a problem of specifics in functioning of folk versification presented by the songs of Zhytomyr land after Songs of native village, a collection compiled by A. Put’. The features of rhythm, rhyme, strophic and phonics traits of different genres have been analyzed. It is counted on specialists in folk-lore, literary critics and all folk poetry lovers.
Keywords: folk versification, rhythmic structure, verse size of song, rhyme, strophica, phonics of folk versification.

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Pavlenko Ivan. On vocal ensembles of contemporary existence (genre peculiarities). P. 722-726

In the article have been reflected some typological features in modern existence of small forms in performance of Ukrainian folk songs. The content has presented their conditional classification, character of activities including specific artistic and stylistic reconstructions of sung folklore.
Keywords: types of vocal ensembles, artistic and stylistic specificity, reconstructions of sung folklore, repertoire, authentic and scenic environment, reproduction, manner of singing, folklore and folklorism.

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Taras Yaroslav. On parallels in medieval architecture of Ukraine and Croatia. P. 727-741

In the article have been solved a series of problems, as those on Galician and Volhynian architecture and its legal relation to the artistry of previous state organisms, on parallels in architecture of Galicia and Croatia etc., tasks have been forwarded as for further studies in Subcarpathian and Croatian monuments and revision of architectural history as well as researches in constructive terminology.
Keywords: sacral architecture, Subcarpathian land, Croatia, Galician and Volhynian Rus, ethnogenesis, church.

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Korzheva Anna. On concept of soul in the treatments of antique philosophy. P. 742-745

The concept of soul has been enlightened and analyzed in chronological sequences of its contradictory interpretations; the study is grounded upon the notions as for origination and development of sensory world-perceptions and processes of changes in the ancient philosophical thought.
Keywords: sensory perception, concept of soul; antique philosophical thought.

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Odrekhivsky Vasyl. In the early XX century. Adventure of modernist sculpture. P. 746-749

The article has been based on author’s generalized translation of the beginning of the chapter ХХ century. Adventure of modern sculpture (fr. XXème siècle. L’aventure de la sculpture moderne), being the second part of the book Sculpture: from antiquity to the twentieth century (fr. La sculpture: de l’Antiquité au XXème siècle). In article have been underlined some facts that took place in Paris as the main centre of artistic processes in mentioned epoch and the environment of rise of modernism.
Keywords: sculpture, modernism, avant-garde.

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Mayovets Andrii. On illustrating of children’s books by graduates of Ukrainian academy of printing in the last quarter XX c.: the experience and the problems in artistry of technical realization. P. 750-756

In the article have been analyzed fruits of experience by several artists, graduates of Ukrainian Academy of Printing through the last quarter of XX c. Some similarities between the artists have been traced: high professional artistic level of depicted scenes, original and unique style and the manner of drawing realization with phantasy and fabulousness. Some other moments have also been noted: technology — manual or computer, — practically does not effect the overall perception, level, manner and style of illustrative creations. But still the artistic level and the experience of every artist play a crucial role in approaching of graphical images to children.
Keywords: illustration, children’s book, graphical artistry, graduates of Ukrainian Academy of Printing, artistic manner, style, techniques.

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Semeniuk Roman. On Oleksandr Zvir’s creative work: thematic search and technjlogic novations. P. 757-761

In the article have been considered some features of Olexander Zvir’s technological innovations as for thematic search through the prism of peculiarities in creations by Lviv artistic school of blown glass during 1980—2000s. In the course of research-work have been defined some main directions in Olexander Zvir’s search and formation of creative techniques, reflected by his most representative works. Quite important point has appeared to be the artist’s path and the results of his activities as a mature maître and tutor for younger generations of artists.
Keywords: artistic glass, technological innovations, creative technique, thematic searches.

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Bodnarchuk Vasyl. On artistic life of 1980s and 1990s: basic events. P. 762-764

The article has dealt with transitions in artistic life of Ukraine during 1980s and 1990s. To most characteristic features then belonged input and revival of numerous artistic organizations, returning of real pluralism in the usage of creative methods and introduction of expressive forms. At the end of the XX century one can hardly speak about general stabilization of situation in Ukrainian art.
Keywords: art in Ukraine, 1980s — 1990s, art organizations and events.

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Hlushko Mykhailo. From the depths of people’s experience. P. 765-766
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Kis’ Oksana. X Congress of Russian ethnographers and anthropologists. P. 767-771
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Our authors
Traditional folk clothes of velikobychkovsky hutsuly of XIX — the first half of XX century
In the study based upon numerous field materials, literature sources as well as ethnographic, historio-cultural and regional museum collections has been performed complex analysis in traditional folk clothes by Hutzul population of Velyky Bychkiv village in Transcarpathian region. Detailed descriptions of femi­nine and masculine clothing complexes of the mentioned area have been presented. In characterizing of those main attention has been paid to the detail of cut in separate components of dress; cut of feminine shirt has been added as an illustration.
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On bessarabian and moldavian ukrainians in the studies of historical ethnography
The article has thrown some light upon a sum of scientific findings got during XIX to XXI cc. in historio-ethnographic studies of Bessarabia and Moldavian Ukrainians. In the pre­sent paper has been given author’s answer to the problem of lacking progress as for the numerous themes concerning Ukrainians. State and achievements of the research-works in Ukrainians’ material and spiritual culture by the scientists of Moldavia and Ukraine through the years of independence has been exposed.
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On field exploration of russian and belarusian ethnologists and etnolinguists in Ukrainian Polisia 1945—1980s
In the study based on a wide range of literary materials have been comprehensively characterised field research in Polisia of Ukraine, performed by Russian and Belarusian ethnologists during 1945—1980s as well as Moscow ethnolinguists and other researchers from ethnologic centres of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in the course of realization of Ethnolinguistic Atlas of Polisia program. Particular attention has been paid to geography, methods, themes and research results of scientific projects.
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Maternity ritualism by volhynians in publications of the second half XIX to the early XXI cc.
In the article have been considered some basic landmarks for fixing and publication of ethnographic materials on the maternity rites of Volhynia with analytical study in ritual elements, their kinds and territories of origin. The article has also raised a problem of gaps in studies of maternity rites of Ukrainian historio-ethnographic Volhynia.
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