2013 year, issue 6



Tarasiuk Iryna. Popular religious notions on God’s will and providence in ukrainian paremies. P. 951-968

The article has presented some popular proverbs and sayings expressing life principles, admonitions, and beliefs as for concepts of God’s will and providence. By exposure of semantic meaning in a number of popular paremies, the author has aimed to trace religious worldview in Ukrainians’ national character of ‘ thinking..
Keywords: paremy, proverb, saying, God’s will, providence, popular piety, popular outlook, mentality, religious consciousness, popular belief, thought form, popular wisdom, Christian doctrine.

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Koval-Fuchylo Irуna. On ukrainian parody lamentations: motives and characteristics of functioning. P. 969-976

The article has analyzed some types of Ukrainian parody lamentations, functional peculiarities of this genre in the national lament tradition. The most popular is a parody crying for a mother-in-law and a husband. Parody cry have occurred as jokes within entertaining narratives. Those texts appear to be an audience’s reaction to insincere regrets for the dead.
Keywords: parody laments, joke, motif, comic effect.

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Kushnir Vitalii. Some problems in organization of museum net in USSR at 1920s: scientific and socio-political dimensions. P. 977-987

Central point of the article is mid-1920s discussion on the system of administrative direction in the field of museum activities. Various approaches to the problem of tasks, principles and aims of museum work have been considered. The proof has been obtained that the problem of museum submission got quite hidden political essence. The author has shown that the majority of museum scholars tried to avoid direct dependence from the organs of ideological control and to spare wider space for qualitative scientific studies and traditions of work.
Keywords: museum, museum activity in Ukraine, state museum politics.

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Yatsiv Andriy. Ukrainian-polish relations on the pages of the newspaper Hromadska dumka, 1920. P. 988-993

The article deals with attitudes towards issues of Ukrainian-Polish agreement in the publications of the newspaper «Hromadska Dumka». Under the Ukrainian-Polish antagonism, one of the leading Ukrainian Galician journals in a number of articles analyzed the possibility of understanding between the two nations, defined the key obstacles to reconciliation of the Ukrainians and the Polish, outlined the conceptual terms of normalization of relations.
Keywords: public opinion, social political life, political opinion, the Ukrainian-Polish relations, Rzeczpospolita

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Serebryakova Olena. Water symbolism in mantic customs of bridge-building. P. 994-998

Mantic rites with the use of water (hydromantic) belong to important components in all variants of maiden matrimonial divinations. The one of those is the custom of bridge-building. With the use of it a sleeping girl might see her future husband in dream. In the article have been analyzed symbolic contents, local variants and territories of spreading.
Keywords: divination (mantic practices), bridge, prophetic dream, crossover through water

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Konopka Volodymyr. Autumnal period as a final cycle of popular folk agricultural calendar (after materials from south-western historio-ethnographic region of Ukraine). P. 999-1004

On the ground of own field ethnographic materials, sources and data of scientific literature the author has presented study in one of the areas of traditional culture, viz. the calendar ritualism. The article has brought some results of analyses in customs and rituals related to the autumnal calendar cycle.
Keywords: Ukrainians, autumn, calendar, custom, ritual, agriculture.

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Denys (Khanas) Iryna. Choice of child’s name after folk popular beliefs, consuetudes and traditions on Opilia. P. 1005-1013

The article has dealt with the problem of choice of the name for a new-born baby after popular folk beliefs, consuetudes and traditions along the territory of Opilia and the whole Ukraine, as well as among ancient Slavonic inhabitants of the land.
Keywords: Ukrainian tradition, name of the child, personal name, motivation of the name, Opilia.

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Kychak Oksana. Grandparents in the families of transcarpathian labour migrants in the early XXI c. (impact on grandchildren and mutual help to children). P. 1014-1025

Some changes of traditional social roles within the families of Transcarpathian labour migrants during the early XXI c., particularly the crossover of parental duties to grandparents have been considered in the article. Especial attention has been paid to the roles of grandparents in mentioned families, as well as the relations between elder persons, «eurochildren» and labour migrants. Light has been thrown upon the notions of «surrogate fatherhood» and «substituting parents». The article has brought analytical study in the problem as for changes of traditional roles, when the souls of children of labour migrants, unlike the body, are created by grandparents. In the article have been exposed main ways for reciprocal support of grandparents and children in contemporary families of labour migrants.
Keywords: grandmother and grandfather, family of labour migrant, children, relations between grandparents and grandchildren, reciprocal help.

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Samotis Yaryna. On some homestead motives in easter ritualism in ukrainians of Zhydachiv region (after materials of ethnographic expeditions). P. 1026-1032

The article has dealt with traditional Easter ceremonials by Ukrainians of Zhydachiv region. On the ground of his personal field ethnographic records the author has revealed some features of Easter celebrations via economic motives of those.
Keywords: economic motives, Easter, Zhydachiv region, ceremony, custom, attributes.

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Shcherban Olena. Clay colander in ukrainians’ food culture: the shape and destination. P. 1033-1039

The article has presented first review of general peculiarities in forms and décor of clay colanders with description of their functional destination along various Ukrainian lands. Conclusion has been made that this kind of instrumental pottery, less widely used in Ukraine, had evident regional specificity in accordance with cookery traditions of any particular area.
Keywords: colander, form, décor, cookery.

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Gamaliia Kateryna. On elements of scientific knowledge in cultural and practical activities of Ancient India. P. 1040-1044

The article has presented the origin of fundamental technical and scientific knowledge developed along the lands of ancient India. From the 3rd Millenium BC there had been performed significant efforts in the field of the urban construction. Notes have been made as for successes in the planning of ancient cities with sanitary utensils. Indian craftsmen were famous owing to their skill in jewelry, pottery, weaving. Processing of metals had got quite high level of development then. Mathematical theories had found their usage in elaboration of foundation for arithmetic, algebra and geometry. In astronomical observatories trained priests had carried out complicate observations on the motion of planets as well as on solar and lunar eclipses. The achievements of ancient Indians in medicine, especially in diagnostics, therapy, surgery are widely known today. Indian philosophers had laid grounds for a number of modern logic structures.
Keywords: Ancient India, science, technology, knowledge, culture.

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Kharchuk Khrystyna. On formation of horodok cemetery in Lviv (2nd half XVII to late XIX cc.). P. 1045-1051

In chronological sequence the article has examined formation of Lviv suburban Horodok cemetery from its foundation in the second half XVII c. to the closure of it. Main reasons for foundation of cemetery as one of the first Lviv suburban ones have been exposed. A brief analysis in historical and artistic monuments of the cemeteryhfs been presented. Nowadays Horodok cemetery belongs to unsaved monumental memorial and cultural heritage of Western Ukraine.
Keywords: suburban cemetery, burial, historical and memorial heritage, monument of history.

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Yankovska Dariya. Background ornaments as attributive elements in restoration studies on western ukrainian icons of late XV to XVIIІ cc. P. 1052-1057

An article has brought analytical review of ornaments in Western Ukrainian icons of late XV to XVIIІ cc. in the context of restoration research-works on icon painting. Stylistic evolutions of ornamental decorations in Ukrainian icons of mentioned period, origins of traditional background ornamenting in icons, main variants of background ornaments in Galicia and Volhynia icons have been presented and exposed.
Keywords: an icon, Western Ukrainian icon painting, background ornamentation, ornamental schemes, Eastern influences.

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Taras Yaroslav. On wooden sacral building of Moldova. P. 1058-1074

In the article have been considered wooden churches of Moldova and presented the typology of objects, drawings of their architectural planning and constructive designing.
Keywords: Moldova, wooden churches, Bukovina architectural school, bell-tower, western narthex.

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Volyanyuk Natalia. On predestination of embroideries in decorating of shirts along Ternopil oblast during the twentieth c. P. 1075-1079

The article has determined and presented some features of functional predestination in embroideries for shirts of Ternopil oblast during the XX c. The usage of embroideries with practical, ritual and protective ends has been discovered. Connections of technical and decorative tasks of embroideries have been exposed. Analytical studies in ethnical, territorially differentiated and age-produced traits of embroideries have been performed.
Keywords: function, folk embroidery, shirt, tradition, ornament, equipment, symbols.

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Fedorchuk Olena. Typological and artistic peculiarities of glass beads décor of the 19th c. folk clothes from Bukovyna. P. 1080-1086

The article explores typology of glass beads decor of the 19th c. folk clothes from Bukovyna. Local artistic and compositional features of Bukovyna items have been determined.
Keywords: glass beads, decoration, glass beads decor, clothes.

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Oliynyk Olha. On ukrainian temple fabrics of late xx and early XXI cc.: education and workshops. P. 1087-1102

This research-work has been an attempt to present an unfold review of Ukrainian temple fabrics – a kind of art with ancient roots and current revival. During late XX and early XXI cc. the self-taught amateurs as well as professional designers of textile and embroidery have studied and kept traditions of old Ukrainian sewing. Schools and workshops mentioned in this research-work possess certain experience that shall become a ground for further development of church artistry.
Keywords: embroidery, ornamental sewing, workshop, clerical garment, machine embroidery.

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Sobolevska Nadiya. Decorated fabrics to the painting on fabrics. P. 1103-1107

In the article has been considered a kind of art, that appeared in Europe and during the XX c. was developed with due transformations from decorating fabric to painting on the fabric. With course of time the painting on fabric has overcome the frameworks of traditional craft and reached the level of decorative-applied art. In the second half of XX c. the strive to leave the utilitarian function has put forward a need to introduce another terminology in art studies.
Keywords: decorating, fabric, batik technique, painting, arts and crafts, transformation, dismissal, monumental painting, easel painting, direction, genre, style, fine art, new terminologi new.

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Maryshchuk Tetyana. On creative practice by textil artists in the 2nd half XX c. in Ukraine. P. 1108-1120

In the article have been considered creative practices by the textil artists of Ukrainian artistic industrial weaving during the 2nd half XX c. The basic centres of flax, silk, woolen and cotton fabrics created by remise and Jacquard methods of production have been defined and characterized. Some artistic differences between fabrics for clothes and interiors have been put under analysis.
Keywords: textile artist, industrial weaving, desinator, colourist, assortment, decor, decorative pattern.

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Kolpakova Natalia. On evolving of iconographic types in the images of St. George according to Byzantine artistic tradition. P. 1121-1130

Three general hypostases of St. George have been put under analysis: those of martyr, patron, defender. Some changes in iconographic typology impacted by religious, political and social factors (and resulted with the appearance of martyr, warrior, rider) have been substanitated and presented. The images of St. George have been considered as for their expressiveness at different stages of religion devotion. The senses of those expressive approaches have been analyzed in works of Byzantine art.
Keywords: art studies, iconography, St. George, Byzantium.

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Myakota Ivanna. M. Kazas’ illustrative cycles of 1911 to 1913: figurative and stylistic specificity and problems of creative method. P. 1131-1137

The article has dealt with research-work on figurative, stylistic and thematic specificity in M. Kazas’ illustrative works of 1911—1913 as well as with study in peculiar features of artist’s creative method considered against the background of visual art and its development on the edge of XIX and XX cc. According to mentioned aims the artist’s personal biography and general cultural components of creator’s approach to illustrative series have analyzed as for evolution of creative styling, figurative and stylistic peculiarities in most interesting graphical and illustrative canvases.
Keywords: graphical art, illustration, creative method, textual interpretation, intermediation, stylization, decorative styling.

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Varshavska Kateryna. Yukhym Mykhailiv. The artist and his time (after materials of creative works in museum collections of Ukrainian Cultural Center in Bound Brook New Jersey, USA). P. 1138-1144

In presented article has been examined creative works by Ukrainian artist, symbolist Yukhym Mykhailiv, whose paintings are preserved at the museum archives of the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Bound Brook New Jersey, USA. The artist’s creative heritage consists mainly of the pictures on the themes of national renaissance and subjects of Ukrainian history. The artist had also created a series of symbolic pictures on the philosophical themes.
Keywords: Yukhym Mykhailiv, symbolic art, national renaissance.

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Kostelna Maria. On national motifs in décor of costumes after the examples of Martha Tokar’s creations in Lviv fashion house. P. 1145-1149

Contemporary Ukrainian designers of fashion quite often turn their attention to the usage of national cultural motifs and folk art, so fine as decorative applied ones. That’s why in the following article some preconditions for specified use of ethnical styling in the works of Ukrainian designers have been considered and exemplified by creations of Martha Vasylivna Tokar, a Lviv fashion house artist. Particularly, there has been performed an analysis of Martha Tokar’s creative search in the context of Ukrainian national costume traditions of various ethnographical regions; the meaning of mentioned phenomena for further development of modeling art in Lviv during the 2nd half XX c. has been defined and presented.
Keywords: ethnical motives, creative search, Lviv fashion house, design of clothes.

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Ghilyasova Natalia. On the artists of stained-glass panels in Ivano-Frankivsk obl. during the late XX and the early XXI cc. P. 1150-1159

In the article as less studied phenomena of Ukrainian art have been examined some specimens of the stained-glass works by the artists of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast appeared during the late XX and the early XXI cc. Technology, design, styling and colour featuring of creations by several artists have been determined and exposed. Main stages in development of stained-glass skill by the artists who have made quite substantial contribution in the progress of Ukrainian stained-glass artistry are traced.
Keywords: stained-glass, stained-glass artist, manner of execution, technique.

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Lutsenko Ihor. S. Hollosi’s creative and methodical principles of painting in artistic colony of Tyachiv and their role in formation traditions of fine artistry in Transcarpathia. P. 1160-1164

In the article have been analyzed and discussed some creations by S. Hollosy in Tyachiv (contemporfry Transcarpathia) during 1902—1918. The features of creative and methodological approaches of the artist to traditions of painting in Transcarpathian area during the first half of the XX c. have been defined and exposed.
Keywords: S. Hollosy, creativity, artist, colour, painting.

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Mushynka Mykola. Mykhailo Hyryak as folklorist (in 80th anniversary of birth). P. 1165-1168
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Pashchenko Yevhen. Slavic studies that do not exist. Hryhorii Davydovych Verves. P. 1169-1172
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Kis’ Oksana. Valuable edition for Ukrainologists. P. 1173-1175
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Our authors
Daily bread baking of ukrainians in the south-western ethnographical region at the late XIX to early XXI cc.
The paper has dealt with analytic study in prescriptions, signs, customs, methods, ways of selection, procurement and some peculiarities in usage of subsidiary means — water, firewood and leaves in bread baking. The final aim of the mentioned actions had been (and still is) selection of the means and ingredients fit, by their characteristics, for the backing of bread. The paper has demonstrated dependence of bread backing subsi­diary means criteria from the folk nutritional standards and world outlook stereotypes as well as from regional social and economic, natural and geographical factors and peculiarities of material culture.
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Traditional folk clothes of velikobychkovsky hutsuly of XIX — the first half of XX century
In the study based upon numerous field materials, literature sources as well as ethnographic, historio-cultural and regional museum collections has been performed complex analysis in traditional folk clothes by Hutzul population of Velyky Bychkiv village in Transcarpathian region. Detailed descriptions of femi­nine and masculine clothing complexes of the mentioned area have been presented. In characterizing of those main attention has been paid to the detail of cut in separate components of dress; cut of feminine shirt has been added as an illustration.
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Boikos’ pandemonium: categories of evil deceased
In the article have been presented some research-work on peculiarities of Boikos’ traditional demonological notions as for so-called evil deceased; on the basis of field records and ethnological literary sources quite a number of scum categories have been defined as well as essential habits, modes of behavior and functions of these personages of people’s demonology.
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On bessarabian and moldavian ukrainians in the studies of historical ethnography
The article has thrown some light upon a sum of scientific findings got during XIX to XXI cc. in historio-ethnographic studies of Bessarabia and Moldavian Ukrainians. In the pre­sent paper has been given author’s answer to the problem of lacking progress as for the numerous themes concerning Ukrainians. State and achievements of the research-works in Ukrainians’ material and spiritual culture by the scientists of Moldavia and Ukraine through the years of independence has been exposed.
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