« 2017. #3 (135)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 3 (135), 685–689

UDK 27726. 3(477.83)051



Sokil Vasyl Vasyliovych, PHD in Philology, professor,

Head of the Department of Folklore Studies

at the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Svobody Avenue, 15, Lviv, 79000,Ukraine.

Contacts: Tel. (032) 2970157; e-mail: ina@mail.lviv.ua

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3164-1217

Abstract. The article is about one of the most difficult periods in the priest I. Diorka’s life. He was head of the church in Volosyanka village in Skole District almost nine years. He conscientiously tried to perform the duties for congregation not only in this village but in Khashchovania (where he lived) and in Yalynkuvate villages as well. Meanwhile he experienced harassment by the authorities, was arrested and sentenced for corrective work in the quarry.

Keywords: parish, priest, «autobiography», «track record».

Received 16.05.2017


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