« 2017. #4 (136)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 4 (136), 948–953

UDK 792

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.04.948


Yudov Mykhailo, associate professor

at the KNUKiM,

Ye. Konovaltsia Street 36, 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Contacts: knukim@ukr.net


Vichna Anastasiia Victorivna — master’s degree of dramatic art,

an actress Kyiv Municipal theatre “Kyiv”,

street of Myropil’s’ka, 1, 02192, Kyiv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: kmatl@i.ua

Abstract. The article investigates creative and organizational aspects of one of the oldest festivals in Ukraine — the International Theatre Festival «Melpomena Tavrii». The concept of the festival is briefly analyzed as organizational and artistic form, which is a series of public demonstrational shows of skill levels (achievements) under the through artistic idea or concept, localized in the limited calendar period in particular geographic and cultural space; also festival’s social and cultural function is considered. The statistics of participants’ geography, jury`s work organization, results of choosing the winners are exposed to analytical study. Main attention is focused on the analysis of the nominating policy of «Melpomena Tavrii».

Keywords: festival-competition, the International Theatre Festival «Melpomena Tavrii», nominating policy.

Received 15.06.2017


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