« 2017. #4 (136)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 4 (136), 941–947

UDK 75.052 (477).

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.04.941


Metelnytska Daryna Heorhiivna — a graduate student

Kharkiv state academy of design and arts.

street of arts, 8, Kharkiv, Kharkiv area, 61000

Contacts: Tel. 057 706 1560

Abstract. The publication is dedicated to the monumental murals of Anatoly Petrytskyi. The situation, which characterizes the development of monumental art in Ukraine in a difficult transitional period — before the establishment of the Soviet rule, during the Civil War, and the first years after the revolution is analyzed in the article. Due to the consideration of the main surviving sketches of monumental paintings peculiarities and specifics of the early works of A. Petrytsky are determined. The degree of the influence on the creation works of Anatoly Petrytskyi of the contemporary artistic currents that formed a specific master’s representational line is cleared in this article. The reasons of the author’s appeal to the popular folk stories and features of their pictorial interpretation are brought to light during the publication.

Keywords: monumental painting, decorative murals, local colors, neoprimitivizm, public image, free composition, grotesque, decorativity, tradition of the modern painting, easel forms, monumental forms.

Received 20.06.2017


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