« 2017. #5 (137)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 5 (137), 1173—1176

UDK 745.51.03(477.85/.87) “187/195”

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.05.1173


Melnyk Ivan, PhD, Head of the Research Sector

of the Lviv National Academy of Arts,

street V. Kubiyovycha 38 Lviv 79011 Ukraine

email: nds@lnam.edu.ua; phone number 097-599-2573

Abstract. This article considers on the fine woodworking of Delyatyn region as a unique phenomenon in the context of Hutsul folk art. The article is based on the materials, collected in several research expeditions, and presents valuable additional knowledge about artistic woodcarving of Ukrainian Carpathians, its folk architects and local carvers of late XIX — mid­XX century.

Keywords: fine woodworking, artistic wood, sacred architecture, civil buildings, traditions, folk artists.

Received 9.07.2017


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