The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 6 (138), 1433—1438
UDK 299.18+398.3+930.85
Received 23.10.2017
Kyrii Viktor Vladyslavovych, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Kyrii Viktor Vladyslavovych, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
of the Drohobych District Newspaper “Frankovyi Krai”,
Finder of a Ph.D. degree
at the Institute of Ethnology
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Svobody Avenue, 15, Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.
Contacts: Tel. (032) 2970157; e-mail:
Abstract. The issue of ethnocultural identification of a deity is investigated, the idol of which was staged by Vladimir the Great alongside the idols of the main gods of the ancient Rus pantheon. The author shows a new («Varangian») version of the identification of «Semargl».
Keywords: Simargl, Simurg; Senmurv; Sim and Regl, Iranian version; the pantheon of Vladimir the Great; the Pragermanic language; Scandinavian mythology; the Vikings.
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