The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 6 (138), 1483—1495
Received 11.11.2017
Sokil Vasyl Vasyliovych, PHD in Philology, professor,
Head of the Department of Folklore Studies
at the Institute of Ethnology
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Svobody Avenue, 15, Lviv, 79000,Ukraine.
Contacts: Tel. (032) 2970157; e-mail:
Abstract. There is a collection of letters from cousins on the maternal line of K. Chekhovich and T. Revakovych. K. Chekhovich — bishop of the diocese of Peremysl, was considered to be narodovets was presented. At the time of his reign conscious Ukrainians were appointed at the parish. He made a lot for the development of the GreekCatholic Church. T. Revakovich is one of the founders of the Taras Shevchenko’s Scientific Society in Lviv, an active enlightener, a member of the society of St. Raphael, had a patriotic position. The letters are dealing with important sociopolitical, religious problems, some private affairs.
Keywords: correspondence, magazines, narodovtsi, GreekCatholic Church, Ukrainian language
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