2012 year, issue 3



Markov Ihor. On ukrainians among contemporary labour migrants in Russia. P. 375-385

The article is throwing some light upon results of research-works as for the scales, directions, conformities with a law and tendencies of contemporary Ukrainian labour migration to Russia in the context of challenges by Russian state’s migration policy. The study was realized under the aegis of the German ABO Heimatgarten fund with participation of Ethno-social Researh sector of the Ethnology Institute, NASU and the Laboratory of social studies, Lviv.
Keywords: Ukrainian labour migration, Russia’s migration policy, integration of migrants into Russian community, types of Ukrainian’s migration to Russia.

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Bolyuk Oleh. On wooden equipment of liturgical spaces in the western ukrainian churches (problems of typology). P. 386-399

In the article has been presented typology of wooden objects used for equipment of spaces in temple interiors, involved in liturgy and other ceremonies. Attention has been paid to church objects and details adorned by means of plasticity in forms and ornamented with carved decor, colour and gilding.
Keywords: architecture, church, interior arrangement, wood, art, decor.

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Dutka Romana. Lviv cooperative «Ukrainian folk art»: prerequisites of the establishment and organizational structure. P. 400-414

Information on the establishment and structure of Lviv cooperative «U.F.A.» has been presented against the background of concise description of separate phenomena in political, economic and cultural development of Western Ukrainian society through 1920—1930s. Under conditions of statelessness and expansion of foreign cultures the cooperative «U.F.A.» had stood for Ukrainians’ national distinctness The cooperative worked on formation of the peculiar Ukrainian modern style of clothing and arrangement of home and the church on the basis of native traditional art as well as on the forwarding of active social position of Ukrainian women.
Keywords: Lviv cooperative «Ukrainian Folk Art», magazine «Nova Khata» («New Home»), Ukrainian embroidery, national identity, Western Ukrainian society of the 20—30’s of the 20th century.

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Oliynyk Olha. Stylistics of the modernist trends in church fabrics of Galicia on the edge of XIX and XX cc. P. 415-428

In the article has been considered a problem of penetration and reinforcement of Modernist trends in decor of church cloths in Galicia. Having been developed down by the riverside of common European modernist styling and at the same time with other kinds of ecclesiastic art, the fabrics assisted to formation of a new image of the Ukrainian temple. Modernist approaches to creation of church products, parament items in particular, had testified the development of independent course of the Ukrainian art with own rich art system.
Keywords: modernist style, fabrics, vestment, stylistics, pattern.

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Kozakevych Olena. Sofiya Volodymyrivna Chekhovych (1897—1971), her life and creative path. P. 429-442

In the article has been considered a life course and a creative path of Sofiya Volodymyrivna Chekhovych, known Ukrainian ethnographer, scientist and art critic of XX c. In chronological order the author has considered some most important events and defined main directions of research activities by S. Chekhovych. Attention has been paid to S. Chekhovych art criticism in the field of Ukrainian traditional folk costume and means of its decoration. The article has been written on the basis of materials kept at the department of manuscripts, Lviv Stefanyk National Scientific Library.
Keywords: ethnography, folk art, art studies, history of art, art criticism, tradition

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Kostiuk Larysa. Heorhii Kosmiadi — an artist in between of East and West. P. 443-451

In the article have been considered some circumstances of an artist Heorhii Kosmiadi’s (1886—1967) life and creative work are examined considered in the article. The painter’s artistic system, in which had quite organically been interwoven aesthetic traditions of Western and Eastern cultures, has been discovered and represented. H. Kosmiadi’s artistic heritage (more 5 thousand paintings) has naturally entered into the context of art history of XX c.
Keywords: Heorhii Kosmiadi, artistic system, aesthetic traditions, history of art.

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Fedorchuk Olena. Glass-beads in the traditional ukrainian garments (the typology issue). P. 452-468

This article is dedicated to the typological sorting of the components of traditional Ukrainian folk garments, made with the use of glass-beads. Such components represent a separate functional type of glass-beads artwork. In turn, they are subdivided in four functional subtypes: filigrees, head ware, garments and accessories. Each of the types, representing the functional subtypes is described. The typological sorting, suggested in the article, creates terminological grounds for further research on the local varieties of traditional Ukrainian folk glass-beads artwork.
Keywords: traditions, glass-beads, garments, decor, adornment, typology.

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Kolupayeva Ahniya. To the history of church ritual ceramic objects in Ukraine (XI to XXI cc.). P. 469-496

In the article some light has been thrown upon main periods in the history of Ukrainian church ritual ceramics, a wide range of objects that consists of ceramic crosses, icons, thuribles, liturgical vessels, luminaries etc. Characteristic groups and types of objects as well as certain artistic features in works of traditional folk and professional ceramic creations of church predestination have been defined and presented.
Keywords: church ceramic, icon, cross, discos, bowl, thurible, tabernacle, lampion, décor, majolica, terracotta.

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Ivashkiv Halyna. Earthenware in the Liturgy ritual. P. 497-516

The article examines some earthenware items which are used in the liturgy ritual, namely tabernacles, bowls (chalices), discoses. Their place in the sacral building and functional role have been pointed out, in addition, artistic peculiarities of these earthenware items have been determined.
Keywords: church, liturgy, ceramics, tabernacle, bowl, discos.

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Motyl Romana. On development of terracotta craft in Ukrainian territories: the historical survey. P. 517-529

The article has thrown some light upon milestones in historical development of terracotta objects in Ukrainian territories, a process that has lasted from the Trypilia epoch (5000—3000 B.C.) to nowadays. In the study have been explored and presented all the main stages of the terracotta craft, i.e. its origin, growth, blossoms, dying away, partial revival and gradual decadence of the ancient traditions of ceramic artistry in Ukrainian lands.
Keywords: history, terracotta, ceramics, traditions, Ukraine.

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Havrysh Larysa. On southern region in the sale of the earthenware by Opishne potters. P. 530-533

The paper deals with gross sales of the earthenware produced by Opishne potters to the wholesale mediums who in turn had made their business by means of further resale of goods on the South. The study has covered the period of the late XIX to the early XX cc.
Keywords: Opishne, Opishne potters, Katerynoslav province, Kherson province, Rostov-on-Don, earthenware, mediums, chumaks, carriers, gross sales.

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Metka Ludmyla. On clayware in Ukrainians’ traditional folk medicine: the cure of «sonyashnytsi». P. 534-543

On the ground of works by researchers in Ukrainian traditional folk culture of the mid-XIX and early XX centuries as well as by means of author’s own ethnographical data, the analyses has been presented as for earthenware in the process of cure of the so-called the sonyashnytsi illness. Some light has been thrown upon the history of studies in the problem field with localizations of places and time of fixing the information and characteristics of local peculiarities of the treatment. An attempt has been made of the search for analogues of the illness in official medical practice with accentuation of attention to rational points in the usage of clay ware in the cure.
Keywords: folk medicine, sonyashnytsi, magic treatment, clay ware.

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Vyzir Natalya. On personal data of Ukrainian ceramology: Ivan Antonovych Zaretsky. P. 544-551

The article has been devoted to eminent Ukrainian researcher in traditional folk pottery – Ivan Zaretsky, the man who had made quite significant contribution in the formation of national ceramology. A wide range of ceramologic activities by the scholar has also been described
Keywords: Ivan Zaretsky, ceramology, pottery, archeology, collection of ceramic ware.

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Shpak Oksana. Paintig on glass panels in Estern Opilia and Western Podilia through the middle to the late XX c. P. 552-561

In the article written on the ground of author’s fields studies of 2011 have been considered some aspects of formation and existence of painting on glass panels in Eastern Opilia and Western Podilia through the middle to the late XX c. Definitions have been given as for typology of creations with discovered personal data of several craftsmen; new previously unknown artifacts are introduced into scientific circulations.
Keywords: painting on glass panels, typology of creations, icons, pictures, decorative compositions, craftsmen of painting on glass panels.

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Symferovska Anastasiya. On restoration and aesthetic transformations in a work of art. P. 562-570

In the article have been described some aesthetic motives and criteria of influential restorative impact upon the work of art as creative approaches changeable as for their histories and filled with senses of innate up-to-date essence. A work of art has too been analyzed as a entity of authenticities of which all had been subjected to the temporal changes. In restoration not the matter of an artwork is being restored only, but its historical, aesthetic and artistic imponderabilia. What changes are being happened in the structure of work of art during restorative processing or with no invasion and is there any way to discern advantages and lacks in every position — that’s a problem, touched by numerous theorists and practitioners in the sphere of conservation and preservation of art.
Keywords: restoration, aesthetic, work of art, interpretation, form, authentic.

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Holubets’ Halyna. On exhibitive activities by the Museum of ethnography and artistic crafts in the Ethnology institute of NASU (1992—2011). P. 571-591

In the article has been thrown light upon exhibitive activities by the staff of the Museum of ethnography and artistic crafts, a department of the Ethnology Museum of NASU (1992—2011). During two last decades there took place quite a number of exhibitions completed out of fund stores with re-organizing of permanent exposition. A series of international projects had been realized as well as presentation of native and alien traditional folk and professional decorative applied art. Numerous creations of painting, sculpture, graphical art and artistic photography had been shown to the audience.
Keywords: The Ethnology Institute of NASU, Museum of ethnography and artistic crafts, exhibitional activity, 1992—2011.

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Our authors
Daily bread baking of ukrainians in the south-western ethnographical region at the late XIX to early XXI cc.
The paper has dealt with analytic study in prescriptions, signs, customs, methods, ways of selection, procurement and some peculiarities in usage of subsidiary means — water, firewood and leaves in bread baking. The final aim of the mentioned actions had been (and still is) selection of the means and ingredients fit, by their characteristics, for the backing of bread. The paper has demonstrated dependence of bread backing subsi­diary means criteria from the folk nutritional standards and world outlook stereotypes as well as from regional social and economic, natural and geographical factors and peculiarities of material culture.
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On field exploration of russian and belarusian ethnologists and etnolinguists in Ukrainian Polisia 1945—1980s
In the study based on a wide range of literary materials have been comprehensively characterised field research in Polisia of Ukraine, performed by Russian and Belarusian ethnologists during 1945—1980s as well as Moscow ethnolinguists and other researchers from ethnologic centres of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in the course of realization of Ethnolinguistic Atlas of Polisia program. Particular attention has been paid to geography, methods, themes and research results of scientific projects.
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Traditional folk clothes of velikobychkovsky hutsuly of XIX — the first half of XX century
In the study based upon numerous field materials, literature sources as well as ethnographic, historio-cultural and regional museum collections has been performed complex analysis in traditional folk clothes by Hutzul population of Velyky Bychkiv village in Transcarpathian region. Detailed descriptions of femi­nine and masculine clothing complexes of the mentioned area have been presented. In characterizing of those main attention has been paid to the detail of cut in separate components of dress; cut of feminine shirt has been added as an illustration.
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On bessarabian and moldavian ukrainians in the studies of historical ethnography
The article has thrown some light upon a sum of scientific findings got during XIX to XXI cc. in historio-ethnographic studies of Bessarabia and Moldavian Ukrainians. In the pre­sent paper has been given author’s answer to the problem of lacking progress as for the numerous themes concerning Ukrainians. State and achievements of the research-works in Ukrainians’ material and spiritual culture by the scientists of Moldavia and Ukraine through the years of independence has been exposed.
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