« 2017. #6 (138)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2017, 6 (138), 1542—1548

UDK  75.046(477)”10/17″:27­36 D. Solunskij

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2017.06.1542

Received 26.10.2017


Moskal Marta, postgraduate student

at the Lviv National Academy of Arts,

research fellow at the  Lviv’s branch NNDRCU

Kubiiovych Str., 38, Lviv, 79011, Ukraine

Contacts: Tel. (032) 2761482, e-mail: aspirantura@lnam.edu.ua

Abstract.Images of Ukrainian art with the depiction of Demetrius of the Thessaloniki are examined in the article. Based on the analysis of twenty­seven works of art it is found basic iconographic types of images and its transformation over the centuries; highlighted the artistic features, ideological and semantic content of images with the depiction of St. Demetrius in art.

 Keywords: Saint warrior, martyr, iconography, the image of St. Demetrius.


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