« 2018. #4 (142)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018,  № 4 (142), 983–988

UDK 82.09:7.046.012]:398.21(=161.2)

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.04.983

Received 13.04.2018


Zhydkykh Olena Borisovna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Design of the subdivision “Mykolayiv branch of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts”.

Yevhena Konovalcya Street, 36, 01133, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Contacts: tel. 067 992 03 05, e–mail: e.shamshyrina@gmail.com

Trigub Olena Leonidovna – Senior lecturer at the Department of Design of the Subdivision “Mykolayiv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”.

 Yevhena Konovalcya Street, 36, 01133, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Contacts: tel. 096 968 50 27; e–mail: e.tryhub82@gmail.com

Abstrakt. The article deals with the features of the interpretation of Ukrainian ethnic themes in the creation of modern textile clo¬thing. The concept of author’s art decoration is considered. The analysis of the use of Ukrainian folk motifs in the works of modern designers and accessories brands has been carried out. Variants of their interpretations were described. Examples of the implementation of Ukrainian authentication in author’s textile clothing decorations are given.

 Keywords: textile clothing decorations, Ukrainian ethnic themes, accessories, authentic sources, interpretation.


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