« 2018. #5 (143)

The Ethnology Notebooks, 2018, № 5 (143), 1290—1297

UDK 741.071.1(477)”18″ Шевченко

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2018.05.1290

Received  13.08.2018


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9808-7997

Gomyreva Olena Ivanivna, lecturer at the Department of Art Theory and History

of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Voznesenskui lowering, 20, Kyiv, 02000, Ukraine

Contacts: tel. +38 099 649 48 12. E-mail: lenagom.g1@gmail.com.

Abstrakt. The presented research is devoted to the stylistic features of Taras Shevchenko’s sepia series named «Telemach­Diogenes» or «Suite of Solitude» and created in 1856. The article considers the features of subject solutions, composite and chiaroscuro arrangement of images, the author’s application of sepia technique. The methodology of the article is based on the methods of formal, comparative and iconographic analysis, which give an opportunity to explore the means of expressiveness and the principles of composition of works in this series. The scientific novelty of the research is to determine the characteristic features of artist’s work in 1856 and to explore new changes in his artistic manner in last years of exile. The tendencies of academism, romanticism, realism and folk art in the specifics of these works are revealed. The analysis showed the peculiarity of the artist’s interpretation of light, his use of contrasts, his methods of creating spatial effects, of balancing and unifying the composition.

Keywords: Taras Shevchenko, sepia, «Suite of Solitude», analysis, chiaroscuro, contrast, composition.


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