The Ethnology Notebooks. 2018, 6 (144), 1479–1504
UDK 801.81:[398.22:658-051(477.83=411.16)»194»]
Received 21.11.2018
Lunio Evhen, candidate of philology sciences (= Ph.D. in philology),
Researcher Department of Folkloristic,
at the Institute of Ethnology
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
15 Svobody Avenue, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine.
Contacts: e-mail:
Abstract. In the article, the author of his voluminous folklore field study of the narrative tradition of the Yavoriv region of the first half of the twentieth century isolated and comprehensively analyzed thematic group of stories about Jewish merchants. This is more than fifty folk texts that reflect real reality in artistic figurative form, and which contain a logical-semantic and emotional assessment of the narrator. t is noted that, in general, Jewish merchants and their relations with Ukrainians are diverse and adequate, with their mainly positive, as well as negative manifestations, as was the case in real life, with its basic requirements on the one hand — to survive and on the other — to stay moral people.
Keywords: Jewish merchants, Jewish-Ukrainian relations, narrative tradition, Yavorivshchyna.
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