« 2019. #1 (145)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 1 (145), 29—34

UDK 304.44:7.04
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.01.029



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3713-5593

Associate Professor, Kandidat of Arts (Doctor of Arts Studies)

Public Higher Education Institution

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

57 Shevchenkа Str., 76018, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: art.trivium@gmail.com

Abstract. In an effort to study ancient cultures of the Precarpathian people, archaeological materials assume paramount significance. They create new opportunities for interpreting the historical process, revealing new, sometimes surprising features of cultural life of our ancestors. At various stages of their social development, Precarpathian people evolved different forms of organizing sacred rites. The higher level of public relations was met by sacral centers — ancient settlements (sanctuaries), built in Bukovina, in the Middle Dniester region.

The Aim of the Research. The paper aims to interpret the results of recent archaeological surveys of mountainous areas in the Carpathian region, clarify the semantics of local toponymic names and pre-Christian religious centers and reveal their role in the culture of ancient population of the Carpathians in the dual-faith.

Research methodology. In order to research the material described in the paper we used methods of chronological reconstruction, theoretical, historical, source-study analysis and synthesis, which enabled us to recreate the course of historical, cultural and artistic processes in the specified region. We opted for the use of art-study approach of figurative and stylistic analysis due to the specific character of the research subject.

Findings. In this paper we analyze several versions of the origin of petroglyphs, discovered by Precarpathian archaeologists and historians on rock complexes in the Carpathians. We focus on the petroglyphs carved on rock surfaces and often combining pagan and Christian motifs, which provided the basis for studying contradictory and dynamic sociocultural life of mountain population of Southwestern Rus.

Practical Application. Practical significance of the paper lies in the fact that its conclusions and findings can be used in academic and methodological publications on the History of Ukrainian Culture, as well as delivering lectures on some humanitarian subjects. This paper contains data that could be used in regional studies and tourism, as well as in excursion practice.

Keywords: dual faith, tradition, Christianity, paganism, culture, cult, petroglyphs.

Received 23.01.2019


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