« 2019. #1 (145)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 1 (145), 41—47

UDK 745/749 : 7.02
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.01.041



ORCID ID: https://orsid.org/0000-0002-4583-8195

Postgraduate student, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts,

36, Evgeni Konovalets str., 01133, Kyiv, Ukraine

Contacts: e-mail: goshalebedev@gmail.com

Abstract. «Ethno-Design» is a very popular notion in the specialized Ukrainian literature of our days. Behind the frequency of its use attempts are being made to impart «ethnic coloring» to modern samples of clothing, print, the interior design etc. However, keeps the uncomfortable question: is design possible in the current conditions of Ukrainian industry? In the form of a compensatory mechanism, a kind of «dictionary» appears for the folk art translation into the language of design. Will not the desire for national «recognition» lead to the next after 1940-50s «neo-adornment» trend, whimsically connected with cultural traditions, when the design is burdened by a sign layer alien to it, and the work itself (thing) is burdened with its inherent fictitious function?

Keywords: design, ethno- design, decorative arts, function, thing.

Received 24.12.2018


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