« 2019. #2 (146)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, 2 (146), 368—386

UDK 930:39]:378.”1910/1939″
DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.02.368



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7817-6730

Doctor of Philosophy in the field of History;

Associate Professor of the Department of Ethnology

of Ivan Franko Lviv National University1,

Universytetska Str., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: Е-mail: avtor.RT@gmail.com

Abstract. During the first third of the 20th century ethnology, anthropology and prehistory were among the main directions of humanitarian studies at Lviv University. They were represented by the powerful scientific schools — the Lviv ethnological school of Adam Fischer, the Lviv anthropological school of Jan Czekanowski and the Lviv archaeological school of Leon Kozіowski. Thus, among the graduates of Lviv University were the leading Ukrainian ethnologists of the 20th century — Roman Harasymchuk, Kateryna Mateyko, Lubov Sukha and others. So, the topic of the proposed publication is relevant, because it allows to reveal important aspects of the history of ethnology.

The goal is to recreate the full list of courses in the specialties «Ethnography» (1910—1912), «Anthropology and Ethnology» (1913—1923), «Anthropology, ethnology, prehistory» (1923—1939). Therefore, the object of the research is the peculiarities of the educational process in the ethnological specialties of Lviv University (1910—1939), and the subject — topics of lecture courses and practical classes within these specialties. Due to the application of the statistical method during the elaboration of the sources — published annual reference books of the Lviv University «Program wykіadуw» / «Spis wykіadуw» — the author analyzed what topics dominated in the curriculums.

As a result, the publication gives a complete list of disciplines taught by professors and associate professors of ethnological departments of Lviv University — Stanisіaw Ciszewski, Jan Czekanowski, Adam Fischer, Bolesіaw Rosiсski, Stanisіaw Klimek, Leon Kozіowski and Tadeusz Sulimirski, philologist Zygmunt Czerny. The Department of Anthropology and Ethnology under the direction of Jan Czekanowski specialized in teaching disciplines of anthropological direction and courses in the field of general ethnology. Instead, the Department of Ethnology of Adam Fischer specialized in teaching courses on the ethnology of the Slavs and methodology of ethnological research.

Keywords: Department of Ethnology, Lviv University, Stanisіaw Ciszewski, Jan Czekanowski, Adam Fischer, Bolesіaw Rosiсski, Stanisіaw Klimek, disciplines.

Received 14.02.2019


Academic authorities at the k. k. University of Lviv, with the order of the lectures at the same in the summer semester of the study year 1869/70 (1870). Lviv: Galician Aerial State Printing House [In German].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the winter half-year 1882/83 (1882). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1882/83 (1883). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the winter half-year 1883/84 (1883). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the winter half-year 1884/85 (1884). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1884/85 (1885). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1885/86 (1886). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the winter half-year 1887/88 (1887). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the winter half-year 1888/89 (1888). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1888/89 (1889). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1890/91 (1891). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1891/92 (1892). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the winter half-year 1892/93 (1892). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1893/94 (1894). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Composition of the staff and program of lectures in the summer half-year 1895/96 (1896). Lviv: The first Union printing house [In Polish].
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The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1910/1911 (1911). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1911/1912 (1911). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1911/1912 (1912). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1912/1913 (1912). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1912/1913 (1913). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1913/1914 (1913). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1913/1914 (1914). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1914/1915 (1914). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1915/1916 (1915). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1915/1916 (1916). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1916/1917 (1916). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1916/1917 (1917). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1917/1918 (1917). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the summer half-year 1917/1918 (1918). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Francis I in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1918/1919 (1918). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University in Lviv. Program of lectures in the winter half-year 1919/1920 (1919). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir. Program of lectures in the summer half-year (third trimester) 1919/1920 (1920). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures in the first and second trimester of the academic year 1920/1921 (1920). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures in the first and second trimester of the academic year 1921–1922 (1921). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures in the third trimester of the academic year 1921–1922 (1922). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures in the first and second trimesters of the academic year 1922–1923 (1922). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures in the third trimester of the academic year 1922–1923 (1923). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1923–1924 (1923). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1924–1925 (1924). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1925–1926 (1925). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1926–1927 (1926). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1927–1928 (1927). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1928–1929 (1928). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1929–1930 (1929). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1930–1931 (1930). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1931–1932 and composition of the University in academic years 1930/31 and 1931/32 (1931). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures and the composition of the University in the academic year 1932/33 (1932). Lviv: Scientific printing house [In Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1933/34 (1933). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1934/35 (1934). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1935/36 (1935). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1936/37 (1936). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1937/38 (1937). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1938/39 (1938). Lviv: Scientific printing house [in Polish].
The University of John Casimir in Lviv. Program of lectures for the academic year 1939/40 (1939). Lviv: The first Union printing house [in Polish].


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