« 2019. #3 (147)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 3 (147), 548—556

UDK 930.2:[37.01:27-725](477.83/.86)”189/19″

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.03.548



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8111-6563

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Department of ethnology, active member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society

Lviv-Center, Svobody Avenue, 15,

79000, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: е-mail: oksana.sapelyak@gmail.com

Abstract. Significant role in the Ukrainian cultural space at the end of XIX — beginning of XX centuries is played by the clergy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In particular, it was active formation of national consciousness in the cities and villages of Galicia in the field of schooling and education. In the twentieth century in Ukrainian science that question was not raised at all because such topics were not studied and could not be studied at the time of the atheistic ideology of the USSR state and totalitarian regime, which controlled all scientific products. Therefore, the problem was raised during the present revival of the Church, the need for a new vision of the historical past of Ukraine and its national-cultural development is particularly relevant today. In this article the author set the goal to find out one of the important pages of that period and a special role in the complex process of creating the national and cultural space of the clergy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The object of the research is the influence of the clergy in Galicia at the turn of the XIX—XX centuries on the development of Ukrainian schooling and education, and the subject is publications in the socio-political and economic journal «The Flag», which was published in Przemysl (1897—1900) for Ukrainian clergy, aimed at educating of conscious national Ukrainians. The methodological basis of the research is the principle of historicism, analysis and use of basic methods of ethnological science. The magazine «Flag» has never been the subject of ethnological studies. The activity of the prominent figure in political and public life of the region, the cooperative movement, the founder of the first Ukrainian credit company Vira, Shchednitsa Bank, co-founder of a number of economic institutions in the Przemysl and Lviv, the famous lawyer Theophil Kormosh as the editor of the «Flag» has never been studied before. Therefore, the basis of the presented work is the publications of the magazine «Flag».

Keywords: education, schooling, clergy, public, magazine «Flag», Theomel Koromosh, «folk politics», intelligent, social and cultural life, people.

Received 22.04.2019


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