« 2019. № 5 (149)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 5 (149), 1094—1101

UDK 398:7.074(477.86-11)

І. Волошинський:930.25

DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.05.1094



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8352-2124,

doctor of philological sciences, professor,

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,

1, Universytetska Street, 79000, Lviv, Ukraine

e-mail: gan.sokil@gmail.com

Abstract. The article explores the folk genres, which Ivan Voloshynsky recorded in the region of Pokuttia. The archival materials are introducted into a scientific range. The purpose of the study is to present and analyze the folklore activities and scientific heritage of the researcher Pokuttya Ivan Voloshynsky. The object of the study is oral poetic materials in the records of folklorists, publications and manuscripts, which are in the archives of the Scientific Society named after Shevchenko in Kyiv. The subject of study is the figure of Ivan Voloshynsky in the context of the historical and folklore process, principles and concepts of his scientific work, genre specificity of folk poetry works, thematic-motivational fund, individual elements of poetics. Geography of the study — settlements of Horodenkivsky district in Stanislavivschyna (now Horodenkivsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region). Chronological boundaries cover the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a time associated with the active ethnographic work of the Ethnographic Commission of the Scientific Society named after Shevchenko in Galicia. The folklorist recorded most of the material in his family village Daleshiv as well as in Kolinky village, Chernylitsy, Ripuzhintsy and partly in other regions (Bukovyna, Podillya).

The genre of diversity is represented by ritual folklore (songs «on Malanka», haivky, wedding songs, funeral rites and etc.), samples of non-ritual lyrics (family songs, kolomyiki), folk prose (fairy tales, legends, demonological narratives). In addition to oral poetical materials, Ivan Voloshynsky was also interested in exhibits from Pokuttya for completion of the Museum of the Scientific Society named after Shevchenko in Lviv, bought them from the inhabitants of the region and sent to the secretary of the Ethnographic Commission, Volodymyr Hnatyuk.

The findings have shown that Pokuttia folklore recorded by I. Voloshynsky enriched the editions of the Shevchenko Sholarly Society with interesting and bright variants of various folk poetic genres. Most of them have nationwide basis preserving some lokal features. Thus, the personality of I. Voloshynsky deserves further studies.

Keywords: region Pocuttia, folklore, genres, themes, images, motives, fixations, archives.

Received 28.09.2019


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