
« 2019. № 5 (149)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 5 (149), 1102—1122

UDK 801.73/.8:398.2(=161.2=162.1)(091):929.732(438)Л.Шептицький



LUNIO Eugene


Candidate of Philology,

Institute of Ethnology

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Research Fellow, Department of Folklore,

15, Svobody ave., 79000, Lviv, Ukraine


Abstract. Formulation of the problem. Today for Ukraine, in the face of real and potential interethnic conflicts, relations with neighboring nations and states, including Poland, are important. For their successful development, it is important to consider the positive and negative aspects of the historical experience.

The object of the study is a multi-genre folk-epic story, the subject is the reflection and comprehension in them of the family of Polish Count Leon Sheptytsky.

The purpose of the article. In the folklore aspect, through the prism of folk-epic reflection and comprehension of reality, we aim to explore the religious, linguistic and national identity of their practical activity and expression in this regard. Analysis of the research. The proposed article is the first study in Ukrainian folklore studies. The methodological basis is the method of hermeneutics as the art of understanding textual discourse, as well as as commenting on and interpreting a work of art through a mental-analytical and intuitive comprehension of its artistic meaning.

The narrative tradition in the religious aspect presents the family of Count Leon Sheptytsky as ardent Roman Catholics. However, they also attended Greek Catholic worship services, which on the one hand were caused by close family relations with Metropolitan Andrew, and on the other, to earn respect from local peasants. The speech practice of landowner Leon Sheptytsky and his family is covered and reflected. Despite some cases of communication with the local population in the Ukrainian language, Polish was their basic language. On the issue of nationality, it is stated on the basis of a reflection on the statements and actions of Leon and Yadviga Sheptytsky that they were Polish in both ethnic and political sense.

Keywords: narrative tradition, Leon Sheptytsky, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, Ukrainian-Polish relations, Yavoriv region.

Received 1.10.2019


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