« 2019. № 6 (150)

The Ethnology Notebooks. 2019, № 6 (150), 1606—1619


DOI https://doi.org/10.15407/nz2019.06.1606



ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6915-2481

Associated proffesor of Lviv National Academy of Arts,

The department of Sacral Painting,

Merited Artist of Ukraine,

Kubiiovycha Street 38, 79011, Lviv, Ukraine

Contacts: е-mail: markostko@gmail.com

Abstract. Introduction. The iconpainting of the Western Ukraine of the 16th cent. is indicateded by the appearance of iconograthers with recognisible artistic manner, bright creative individualities. Some of them left inscriptions of their own names on executed icons, though names of the most remained unknown. This article researches the preserved heritage of an iconographer with unknown name of the first half of the 16th cent., known as an author of icons from the village of Zhohatyn (now in Poland).

Problem Statement. At the collection of NML there are four icons from the iconostasis of The Archangel Michael’s church in Zhohatyn: Christ the Teacher, Image-Not-Made-By-Hands with Border scenes and two festal icons — The Nativity of the Theotokos and The Presentation at the Temple. There are also reproductions of another two icons from the same festal row — The Descent into Hades and The Dormition of Our Lady, but the place of their reservation is actually unknown. All six works are executed by one author.

For the dating of icons from Zhohatyn the result of the dendrochronological analysis of the basis of the Christ-Teacher icon became very important. It was carried out in 2006 by Polish scientists during the process of restoration of this icon (it was completely recorded with oil paints since 1859) and defined an age of wood — 1527. This allowed M. Helytovych to date icons from Zhohatyn more specifically – by 1530th years.

There are some isolated icons from other places, which were attributed earlier to the author of icons from Zhohatyn. It is «Image-Not-Made-By-Hand», an icon of unknown origin from the collection of MNK and «Archangel Mikhael with Scenes of His Deeds» from Novoselytsia (actually Slovakia, PGM).

Results. The author of the article suggests that five more icons may be added to this artist’s work. Among them is the icon «Christ the Teacher» from of Liskovate, in which the face of the Savior bears a significant resemblance to His images on the icons from Zhohatyn. The following works are two icons «The Theotokos with Prophets and Saints» from the villages of Moschanets and Bogusha. Analogies of the author’s manner are found in the depiction of the figures on the borders. In the icon of St. Nicholas with Scenes of His Life from Lodyna the artist’s manner has been revealed in the depiction of the saint’s face and hands, as well as the decor on the ground. The last proposition is a fragmentarily saved icon of St. Yuriy The Dragonslayer of unknown origin from the collection of NMK.

Conclusion. The iconograther from the church in Zhohatyn of 1530th can be considered as author of 13 pieces of the iconpaiting of the Peremyshl eparchy of the second quarter of the 16th century.

Keywords: Iconographer, icon, 16 сentury, author of icons from Zhohatyn, festal icons, the Image-Not-Made-By-Hands, Christ the Teacher, similarity of faces of the Savior, border scenes, architectural background, dating.

Received 2.12.2019


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